One Nation, Under God

Memories for April 12, 2017

100 years ago

April 5, 1917

The warclouds are drawing close. Several hundred people gathered at the Odd Fellows Hall on call of Mayor Harry Cosner to display their patriotism and approve sending a telegram of support to President Woodrow Wilson.

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The situation had its grim side too, as a German farmer from the north country was escorted to the band stand on Front Street and requested to take off his hat and salute the U.S. flag in the presence of a large crowd of citizens. The man had previously been fined $100 for making rough remarks about this country, its people and their attitude toward Germany.

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The Enterprise also contained a soliloquy on divorce. In a recent case the lady had asked for her freedom on the ground her husband had not provided her enough amusement. The newspaper posed this question: "How much and what kind of amusement is sufficient to make a wife happy and cause her to forget 'martial' infelicity?" Apparently the question went unanswered.

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A restaurant being operated in the Fifth Avenue Hotel building was closed down as an unprofitable enterprise. The room was stocked with beds, however, to meet the demand for housing for transient homesteaders coming in on every train.

75 years ago

April 13, 1967

Walt Haynes to enter Auctioneer Contest

Walt Haynes will compete in the Montana State Livestock Auctioneer Contest in Lewistown Tuesday and Wednesday. Mrs. Haynes will accompany him to Lewistown.

A winner and one alternate will be chosen from each state to attend the National Finals.

Kathy Newby to attend State Spelling Bee

Kathy Newby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Newby of Dodson, placed fifth in a group of 74 spellers at the area one Eastern Montana Regional Spelling Bee in Glendive Saturday, April 8. She misspelled asceticism.

Other Phillips County contestants who spelled many rounds at Glendive in the order of their placement were Mary Schmearer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Schmearer, of Dodson; Cecelia Wilke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wilke of Dodson; Carla Sawyer, daughter of Mrs. Margaret Sawyer of Malta, and Michael Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Smith of Malta.

25 years ago

April 8, 1992

They make sure your water is clean, pure

John Demarais and Stan Wombold spend a lot of time at the lagoon.

They're busy making sure that the 286,416 gallons of raw sewage dumped into it every 24 hours get processed properly before running into the Milk River.

The lagoon consists of two 10-acre ponds approximately five feet deep. The raw sewage is pumped from the pumping station in Trafton Park into the first pond north of Hwy 242. The lagoon gets A's, according to tests.

Average Phillips County Family income is $26,862

Poverty reaches down into the ranks of Phillips County residents and strikes hardest at households headed up by females with dependent children.

According to a recent survey report produced as part of the 1990 census, 17.3 percent of Phillips County's population survives on incomes which are below the nationally- established poverty level. The median household income is $26,862. The county has a population of 5,163 and of that population, 1,024 is considered "farm population."

Editor's note: The current National Census was held in 2010 and the next is scheduled for 2020. In the 2010 census, the median income is $36,071 and 16.4 percent of Phillips County is living below the poverty level and the population is down to 4,253 (estimated to be 4,133 in 2016.)

Street Talk:

The US Post Office is planning on issuing an Elvis Presley Stamp next year, and is asking people to vote on which picture they would prefer. Do you plan to vote and which picture would you vote for?"

Marie Smith: Neither, because I wouldn't vote for either. I really feel that there are so many other personalities that would be much more uplifting than Elvis.

Mildred Undeheim: I wouldn't send a vote in. There are others more deserving of being honored with a stamp than Elvis. I'd choose the younger photo, if I were voting.

Pam Lynn: I probably won't vote, but I'd choose the younger picture if I did.

Lacy Lodmell: Yes, I would vote, and I like the younger picture.

June rite is planned

A June wedding will unite Amy Sparrow and Tad Schye.

The couple, both teachers at Malta Public Schools, will marry on June 27 in a ceremony at the Malta Lutheran Church.

Miss Sparrow is the daughter of Jon and Polly Sparrow of McClusky, N.D.

Mr. Schye is the son of Jack D'Lynn and Jack Schye, Jr., of Glasgow.

10 years ago

April 18, 2007

State funding uncertainty prompts Malta Board to ask for $86,025 voted mill levy

Following the same scenario as they did the last couple of years, the Malta School Board will ask voters to approve the maximum authorized voted mill levy, $86,025, at the May 8 school election with a promise not to spend more than they need.

Facing similar uncertainties last year, the board successfully asked the public to support a $127,000 mill levy but ended up only levying enough mills to generate $69,844 for its general fund budget.

City to set out live traps to catch roaming felines

Cat owners should be forewarned that city workers will be setting out live traps to capture roaming felines as a result of a "rash" of recent complaints.

If a trapped cat is wearing a city license, the owner will be contacted by a city employee.

If the cat is unlicensed, the animal will be held for two days and then destroyed.


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