One Nation, Under God
It snowed again on Friday and Saturday so we have several inches of new snow and it has been cold. This is the most snow that we have had at one time all winter. Not so very good to all the ranchers around that are calving and lambing . Our thoughts are with them. We are more lucky than the people who live where they are having all the wild fires and so many homes and livestock destroyed. I read in the paper yesterday that there had only been one death, a trucker whose trailer had jack-knifed on a highway.
Dora attended a Council on Aging meeting in Malta on Wednesday.
Polly Solberg and Dora Henry were in Havre on Thursday and while they had lunch with Bill and Marilyn Henry and the Pastor of Messiah Lutheran Church. They also ran into several other people from Malta.
Polly Solberg went to Great Falls with Vivian Bruckner on Friday to be able to visit her brother Bert who has not been well.
Jack and Ethel Siemens reported the 68th Montana Seed Show was a success and the entertainment, Casi Joy, was wonderful. They are a large part of the putting on of the show, so were tired but glad it had been a success and everyone had enjoyed it. Ethel had won first and overall in the bread contest.
There is a time in the life of every problem when it is big enough to see, yet small enough to solve!
I hope everyone remembered to set their clocks ahead on Saturday night so they were not late for things on Sunday! We wish everyone a Happy St. Patrick’s Day on Friday.
Have a good week!
Terri Cole has been staying in Malta with Steve Cole’s family while Wink has been in the hospital. Get well wishes are sent to Wink and hope he is out of the hospital and home soon.
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