One Nation, Under God

Loring News for March 8, 2017

Loring community has had a wonderful week to move the church. Monday the Big Flat came out to unhook the electricity so the church could be moved. It was moved just across the street to the park area. Then one more day it was moved beside the Loring Hall and the final day of moving was onto the new basement. Then on Friday it was set down and bolted on. It will be a few months until we can hold services there. Until then the services are held at the Loring Hall. Dixie Stordahl will be leading the services on Sunday the 12th.

Dan and Judy Simonson made it home from Arizona where they spent several months as snow birds! Judy said that Dan rekindled some friendships from the days of the Cox Roping schools here in Whitewater. He even shook the dust off his rope and entered competitions! He won one of the last ones and as a bonus received a rifle. I'd say good going for such an old guy, but he'd get his feelings hurt!

Congratulations to both the M-ettes and Mustangs for making it to state basketball tourney in Billings this weekend! Good luck! One of our own residents is a cheerleader for the squads! They have really gotten a lot of praise for their acrobatics and their routines! Good job, DeeDee Johanneson!

Renee and Kent Wasson are back in the North Country for a while. They came up to celebrate Earl's 100th birthday! They are getting a grandkid fix while here also!

Have a wonderful week! I'm still waiting for my first sighting of a robin up here in Loring.


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