One Nation, Under God

Memories for February, 15, 2017

100 years ago

Taken from 25 years ago, PCN, Feb. 12, 1942

The Milk River Valley Gun Club was talking about buying a motorboat for the convenience of hunters at Bowdoin Lake.


The Whitmore Café was reopening as the City Café and was to be operated by "Japanees," as the Enterprise put it.


The tough weather of the period failed to deter Dan Cupid. A 50 mile drive to town in the teeth of a blizzard resulted in the union of Ms. Violet Emerson and John Murdock, the ceremony performed by O.P. Shenefelt.

75 Years ago

February 12, 1942

Local schools will ration your sugar

Price Administrator Leon Henderson has disclosed that under the impending sugar rationing program, hoarders will face stiff penalties – as much as 10 years in prison and a $10,000 fine – for falsifying statements on the amount of the staple they have on hand.

He said the program will be launched in several weeks, as soon as special rationing books, first such to be used since the war began, have been distributed to every man, woman, and child in the nation.

Each book will contain 28 stamps to cover purchases over a 28-week period. They will be issued to local schools, where at least one member of each household must register. The registrant will be required to register for other family members of his or her family.

School Board considering six-day week

A proposal that the Malta schools go on a six-day schedule as a war measure was considered and deferred for the present at a meeting of the trustees last night.

Projected as a means of making field help available at a time when a valley labor shortage looms, the board discussed the matter at length, decided to follow a published suggestion of the state Progressive Education Association and survey the situation exhaustively before reaching a definite decision.

The conclusion of the board was that the situation would be examined carefully and adjusted next fall to suit whatever conditions might be confronting the valley at the time. In other words, there is a possibility that the school term might be curtailed during the harvest if others have helped enough.

Defunct Saco Bank offers final dividend says state official

The announcement that a fifth and final dividend of 6-percent will be paid to all the creditors of the Farmers and Merchants State Bank of Saco, closed many years ago, was received this week from W. A. Brown of Helena, state superintendent of banks. Notice of the dividends is being mailed to each creditor.

Yuh Don't Say!

The Real Dope

A school teacher asks the pupils to write a short essay and to choose their own subjects.

A little girl sent in the following paper:

"My subject is 'ants.' Ants are of two kinds, insects and lady uncles. Sometimes I live in holes and sometimes they crawl into sugar bowls, and sometimes they live with their married sisters."

50 years ago

February 16, 1967

Posthumous Star awarded to Dodson Vietnam victim

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Weigand of Dodson, parents of Pfc. Paul G. Weigand, who was cited for "distinguishing himself by outstanding meritorious service in connection with ground operations against a hostile force" in Vietnam last year, recently accepted the Bronze Medal from Lt. Col. William Billie, Great Falls Army Reserve commander.

Pfc. Weigand served with the 25th Infantry Division in Vietnam and died of was received in ground action.

Day by Day

by D. A. Y.

We have a new printing press on order and in discussing shipment dates with a manufacturer's representative, the latter said: "It will come in a real sturdy overseas shipping box. This is a real good one. A lot of our customers like to use them for play houses for the children." It will have to be a big one. At last count, we had 25 kids and grandkids whose parents work around this enchanted grotto.

Player of the Week

Lynn Mavencamp scored consistently and approved his defensive play to win recognition as Malta's Player of the Week. Perhaps this type of play will contribute to Malta success at the tournament, Coach George Date stated.

Tie for third place honors

Frank Reynolds and Martin Matovich tied for third place in the Old Timers Fiddlers contest held Saturday at the Lobby banquet room. Tommy Watson won first place and Kenny Watson, second.

Reynolds, who is 80 years of age, has been playing the violin since early boyhood. He was sponsored by Matovich. Both are residents of South Phillips County.

25 years ago

February 12, 1992

Malta FFA team's fare well in competitions

The first months of the year have been busy ones for the Malta FFA members.

On January 12, practice started for those that were to attend the Winter Fair in Bozeman. The seven members practiced giving reasons learning how to judge identified work.

Ronna Holman instructed the livestock team while Kim DeMars A meeting.

Members of the livestock were: Chris Doucette, Rich Johnsen, Michelle Olson and Alicia Oxarat. The members of the meeting were: Virgil Smith, Lonnie Kaufman and Duane Webb.

Mustangs qualify seven for state

The Malta Mustang grapplers will take seven wrestlers this week state wrestling tournament in Billings at the Metra.

Returning state champion Brad Walsh, Kurt Blunt and Jason Olson all claimed gold at the divisional championship last week. Joining them at state for the Mustangs will be Virgil Smith, Pat Baumgartner, Justin Anderson and Brad Seaward.

10 years ago

February 14, 2007

Retirement Center filled up to the maximum

The Hi-Line Retirement Center is bursting at the seams just 16-months after being acquired by the Phillips County Hospital.

So much so that officials approached the Malta City Council Tuesday night to see if the City would serve as a conduit through which potential funding sources could be explored with the help of Bear Paw Development.

When the hospital bought the nursing home from the Good Samaritan Society 16 months ago, the faculty had a census of 31-32 residents. Today, and for the last three months, the census has been at 44-residents - the facility's capacity.


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