One Nation, Under God

Loring News for February8, 2017

Well, the ground hog says six more weeks before spring weather! Ok, I'll make the best of the next six weeks and welcome spring when it arrives! Right now influenza is making the rounds. Wash hands, stay home, get plenty of sleep. That last part is just for fun!

Carol Lumsden went into Malta Friday for a funeral and Saturday she attended the birthday party of Dean Kienenberger, Pete's uncle.

Many activities took place at the last basketball game of the season in Whitewater on Saturday. A paper air plane throwing contest at half time of the last game, the 50-50 and concessions went to a fund-raiser for Payton KillEagle of Dodson who is being treated for cancer. I'm proud to belong to such a generous group of people. Also the little Ding its and Dang its played ball at half time. Always so exciting for them and a big undertaking for the coaches! Senior night honored Kayleigh Cummings and her parents. A silent auction, cake raffle and a drawing for $100 Amazon gift card topped off the evening, along with taco soup dinner by the 8th graders!

Loring Lutheran Church had their annual meeting on Sunday. Connie Wasson is President, Whitney Lumsden, Vice President; Cindy Clark, Secretary; and Carol Lumsden Treasurer. The trustees are Pete Lumsden, Jay Blunt and Dave Clark. Most of the business meeting was about the move of the church. Next Sunday we meet at 9:00 with Orvin Solberg delivering the message.

I attended an 85th birthday party for Ree Simonson on Sunday. So fun to see so many of the Simonson family together! Many happy returns, Ree! While I was there I visited with Helen Austin Moore Young about writing this column! Also a big shout out to Brenda Murdock, a neighbor who I don't get to see very often! She has farrowed out a couple of sows already this winter! It was great to have a celebration every so often to catch up on friends!

Just to let you know, the horrible wind did stop, I'm not as crazy as I thought I was going to be... Now the snow has started falling, but it may stop before we get snowed in!


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