One Nation, Under God

Briefly for February 8,2017

Malta Senior Meals

Thursday, Feb 9th - Ham dinner

Friday, Feb 10th - Cabbage rolls

Tuesday, Feb 14th - Sloppy Joe's

January birthday winner - Marilyn Abrahamson - Congratulations!

2B Tourney “Business” Window Competition

The week of the 2B Basketball Tournament (starts Thursday, February 16) “Business" Window Decoration competition will be held in Malta. Extra points awarded for cleverly using business name in display. First place prize awarded. Entries need to be completed by Wednesday, January 15 for judging. For more information and to register contact 406-783-8661.

Malta VFW Auxiliary meeting

2-8. The Malta VFW Auxiliary will hold its regular monthly meeting Wednesday, February 8 at 6 p.m at the VFW Club. All members please attend.

Walleyes Meeting

2-9. On Thursday, February 9, the Malta Walleyes will hold their monthly meeting starting at 7 p.m. at Stretch's. Kid's fishing date will be finalized at this meeting.

Malta Basketball Pep Rally

2-12. A Basketball Pep Rally for the Mustang and M-ette teams will be held Sunday, February 12 at 6:30 p.m. in the MHS gym. Lots of cheers and a live skit will be sponsored by the Senior Parents. Everyone welcome to come show your team pride!

Dirt Daubers Meeting

2-13. The Malta Dirt Daubers will meet on Monday, February 13 at 5:30 p.m. at Toni Ziegler's home 223 Ruby Ave. Following dinner we will make Valentine's Day center pieces for the retirement center.

Phillips County Historical Society Meeting

2-13. The Phillips County Historical Society regular meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 13, at 6:30 p.m. at the Phillips County Museum. Everyone welcome.

MMS Music Festival

2-13. The Malta Middle School Music Festival will be held on Monday, February 13 at Malta High School starting at 8 a.m. Schools performing during the day will be Whitewater, Saco, Hinsdale, Glasgow, Opheim, Lustre, Wolf Point, Frontier and Malta.

Fumigation Program

2-15. MSU Extension Pesticide Education Program and the Mt Dept. of Ag will be offering a Fumigation Program targeting pesticide applicators conducting rodent and structural fumigations. It is worth six private applicator recertification credits and five commercial/government applicator credits. This will be held on Wednesday, February 15. Please call the PC Extension office at 654-2543 for more information.

MT Veteran Affairs

2-16 On Thursday, February 16, Judy or Steve, service officers for Montana Veteran Affairs, will be at Malta City Hall from 9:30 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. If you would like to apply for benefits with the VA please come at the appointed time and bring a copy of your discharge/separation (DD214) papers with you. Call 406-265-4225 if you are interested.

MHS Jazz Dinner

2-21. Malta High School Culinary Arts Class is hosting an adult Jazz Dining Experience Tuesday, February 21 starting at 5:30 p.m. Reserve your ticket now by calling Tara at 654-2002.

MHS Jazz Concert

2-21. Malta High School Jazz Combo presents “Jazz at the Standard” at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, February 21 at the high school auditorium.

MES Science Fair

2-22. The Malta Elementary School Science Fair for K-6th grades start Tuesday, February 21, but the public viewing is on Wednesday, February 22 from 8 a.m. until 1:30 p.m in the school’s gym. The award ceremony will be will be at 1:30 p.m. The public is invited to attend.

Blood Drive

2-23. On Thursday, February 23, there will be a Malta Community Blood Drive at Malta Lutheran Church from 11:30 a.m. until 5 p.m. To schedule your appointment, please visit and enter sponsor code: “malta” or call the American Red Cross at 403-0956.

Free Understanding Windows 10 Class

2-23. The Hi-Line Technology will be hosting a class on understanding Windows 10 on Thursday, February 23 at 6 p.m. at the Malta High School Computer lab. This class is offered free to the public through the Connected Community Grant from Triangle Communications. Please RSVP to either Ashley at PhillCo at 654-5525 or Dina at the Chamber at 654-1776 for this Windows 10 Basics Class.


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