One Nation, Under God

Use of data to improve instructional planning and student achievement

Superintendent's Desk

Over the course of the school year we have focused on and looked at many components that lead to a successful school environment and successful student achievement when paid attention to consistently and in detail. One area that cannot be ignored and should be added to that formula is the proper use and assessment of data to improve instructional planning and student achievement.

Research shows that using student data results to help make instructional decisions leads to improved student performance. The types of data used are known among the effective educators of today. Districts today will use a general mix of;

1). teacher formative and summative student assessment,

2). student classroom work or “classroom based assessment” to determine the child’s skill level,

3). individual state standardized test results and

4). the results of local testing tools such as STAR or MAPS to accurately determine a child’s academic need and skill level.

This diverse gathering of data on any one individual or group of students can usually point out the strengths and weaknesses of each child or group and then provide the teacher(s) with the information needed to plan their instruction accordingly to meet the exact needs of an individual child or the classroom group as a whole.

At Dodson, we have made a structured and collaborative assessment of data a part of our master schedule and periodically throughout the year a collaborative part or our staff meetings. It will also influence overall staff assignments and hiring needs in the future. Proper assessment of data has been missing in recent years and it is a welcomed and necessary piece of the successful formula.

Prior to Christmas break, .it was exciting to hear and see our teachers talk about significant increases in reading and math after our second round of STAR testing. Together with our positive culture, new and modern technology, new research based curriculums in 2016-17, and overwhelming school board support . . .adding the structured and diverse use of data competently, consistently and collaboratively . . . will continue to result in improved higher student achievement throughout our student body.

It’s a great day at Dodson Public Schools!

Happy New Year!!


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