One Nation, Under God
100 years ago
Editor's note: Due to unforeseen circumstances, there are no 100 years ago memories. We hope to have the 100 years ago memories back next week.
75 years ago
January 8, 1942
18,000 swimmers Plunge in 1941
A total of 18,000 swims were recorded at the American Legion Plunge in 1941, according to information obtained from F. A. Wilson, the manager of recreational facility. According to Wilson there were 6,000 swims taken by transient occupants of cabins at the plunge and 12,000 by individuals.
Last year a total of 1,050 cabins were rented. It is difficult to estimate exactly how many people visited the plunge and immediate fishing grounds at Nelson Reservoir, but it is believed that between 10,000 to 15,000 persons drove out on the road leading from the highway to the resort.
Mrs. F. W. Hall heads Defense Housing Survey
To determine availability of housing accommodations possible evacuees from the West Coast, a countywide survey is to be made in Phillips County under the auspices of the Woman's Club in the county.
Mrs. F. W. Hall is chairman of the Malta group and arrangements are being made for the survey this week the committee to be appointed soon. Chairman in Dodson is Mrs. Dwight Jones.
The housing survey is being made at the request of national defense officials and is being carried on throughout the state.
War Chest Fund is increased during the week
Contributions to the Phillips County community war chest fund continued to dribble in and during the week just passed and James T. Harrison, chairman of the Kiwanis club sponsor, reports a total of $3,233.87 as of last night.
Montana is first to go over in War Fund Drives
W.M. Baxter Junior, manager of the Midwestern Area of American Red Cross, has just wired Gov. Ford that Montana is the first state in the entire nation to go over their quota in the $50 million War Fund Drive. Montana has sent in over $149,000 on a quota of $135,000 in receipts are still coming in from their office.
50 years ago
January 12, 1967
Blue and White Courier
When asked by a member of the staff, "what is your New Year's resolution?", the following replies were made:
Linda Mecklenburg: I don't know, I didn't make any.
Mr. Moran: No, never make them. I'm too good anyway.
Arlene Emond: I'm going to TRY and be good this year.
Nan Walker: Be good to Bob.
Mr. Morrison: To be as lovable and amiable as I have been in the year.
Alan Haugness: 1. Pass all government tests. 2. Get a haircut. 3. Forget the first two.
Paul Gilbertson: Go to the state wrestling match and make AT LEAST one point from all.
The Merry Season
The following replies were given to the question, "what did you do during Christmas vacation?"
Robert Legg: Um-um, I don't know, hundred rabbits mostly.
Pat Cummings: Had a blast!
Kaja Guttormson: Nothing.
Kathy Boothe: Let me think a sec... Went out with Scott.
Linda Lundstrsom: Work they did, slept the rest of the time. Steve was home, too.
Terry Seel: Stayed home (I don't believe you, Ray.)
Three local youths enter US Army
Three Malta men left Thursday for Butte where they were inducted into the US Army. They are Dale Morris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Morris; Dennis Hendrickson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hendrickson, and Willard (Ross) Kelly, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kelly.
25 years ago
January 8, 1992
Brothers, Wyatt welcome Christmas, New Year's babies
The holidays were more special than usual for two brothers and their wives, all of whom live in Malta.
In a bid and a holiday coincidence, the two couples becoming parents on successive colonies, Christmas and New Year's.
And both welcome girls into their families.
Todd and Tonia Simanton are the parents of six pound 10 ounce Candice Noelle at the hospital in Glasgow at 4:35 p.m. Christmas day.
Brother Mark Simanton and Kathy's are the parents of seven pound two ounce Saige at 11:29 p.m. New Year's Day, also at the Glasgow hospital.
Saige have the honor of being the first at the Glasgow facility in 1992.
'Half-Price' ticket sale planed by local court'
You will never beat the prices.
Justice of the Peace Gayle Stahl and Phillips County Sheriff Gene Peigneux have joined in the traditional January sale craze only instead of selling white goods they've got 1991 tickets on sale.
Anyone who has an outstanding ticket against them issued during 1991 can pay for half the normal fine if they make payments on January 23, Judge Stahl said.
Scrip loans total $311,502 for season
The total amount of the Scrip loaned out reached $311,502.50, setting a new high for the four-year-old program. This year's total exceeds last years' by $40,352 when the local shoppers borrowed $271,150.
County & Country store serves town
It's been a long time since there was a café in Dodson. Virginia Solberg and Connie Wilkes saw the need, decided to take a chance, and now there's a Town and Country Store and Café.
Harold and Virginia Solberg and Don and Connie Wilkes bought the former K&L Grocery one year ago. They moved the store across the street to the Vogel building October 1, and started the Café November 1.
10 years ago
January 3, 2006
Some interest shown in county's bentonite resource
Some interest is being shown in Phillips County's bentonite mineral resources, according to Bureau of Land Management Malta Field Office manager Mark Albers.
The area is located approximately 24 miles south of Malta along Highway 191.
"The claims have been staked before but I don't know if it is a company or individuals," he said.
Bentonite prices have been on the rise because of increased drilling activities.
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