One Nation, Under God
Many have asked me during my career as a school administrator what I felt contributes to higher student achievement and overall school success. You will often hear throughout the field of education the talk of “educationese” language tossed around and all kinds of “sophisticated” educational terminology and “expertise” on the topic of improving and increasing student achievement in schools.
For the most part the formula for improving student achievement is pretty well known these days. Current research is very thorough and generally you’ll find that improved student achievement and success comes from a lot more than just research based teaching practices and instruction. Although teaching practices and instruction are obviously a very important part of the equation….there are other key factors that also contribute to higher student achievement and overall school success in our schools today.
First, it is the combination of parent / community involvement, research based curriculums, modern up to date technology, data driven decision making, and effectively aligned professional development of staff working collectively “at all times” along with research based teaching practices that will greatly enhance your child’s success. If these key areas are managed and implemented properly and attention to detail is given to all of these areas all of the time then student achievement and success in your school will begin to reach full potential.
One area however, that often gets overlooked and ignored when discussing the formula for higher student achievement and school success is positive school culture and environment. As a former principal of a nationally recognized blue ribbon school our district team learned and later lived by the philosophy that you can have the greatest curriculums, the best technology, implement and use the best practices in instruction and yet none of these will work to their greatest potential for the student in a negative, bickering, unprofessional environment. This is the one part of the formula for student success that you rarely hear those in education emphasize or give proper recognition to when talking about improvement of student achievement and school success. A positive culture and school environment starts and ends with the people you hire and staff your organization with.
Jim Collins authored the book Good To Great. In it he talks about how to bring a good organization up to a great organization. The key step in that process is “getting the right people on the bus…” It is vital that you hire and place people in your buildings that reference checks confirm are positive, supportive, high character people. Whether they are certified, office, food service, transportation, technology, administration, head coach or assistant coach…..your school success and your student success begins with the culture established and sustained by the people you place in your organization.
A positive environment and culture emphasized and nurtured throughout, together with research based curriculums and teaching practices, data driven decision making, parent community involvement, proper professional development and up to date technology will result in higher student achievement and overall success of your school. Research will show this. In Dodson, we will always strive very hard to maintain a positive learning and working environment. It is the key to higher student achievement and a successful school and organization. GO COYOTES!!
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