One Nation, Under God
For the Month of September, 2016
Ava Schultz
Ava Schultz is in Kindergarten at Saco Elementary and is 5 years old, her mother is Sonia Roche. Her favorite activity would be playing outside. Ava's favorite subject is Science and her favorite teacher is Mrs. Mavencamp. Ava's role model is her mother and she really likes to play with toys as a hobby. When Ava grows up she would like to be a Doctor.
Dylan Brown
Dylan Brown is a 7th grade student at Saco JH/HS and is 12 years old. Dylan is the son of Leann and Eric Brown, his activities include basketball and football. Dylan's favorite subject is Science or Math and his favorite teacher is Mr. Nordahl. Dylan's role model is his father and his hobbies include playing video games. Dylan would like to attend any college and he would like to be in the military. Dylan has two siblings: Jacob (2nd grade) and Josie (5th grade).
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