One Nation, Under God

Memories for the Week of September 21, 2016

100 years ago

September 21, 1916

Film Company turning Malta citizens into motion picture 'stars'

Ever since the arrival here of the members of the Great West Film Company, Malta has been strictly a moving picture center. The principal streets, the Great Northern hotel, Shady's barn, the depot and in fact all of the different points of interest in the city have come in for their share of space in the reels now being taken.

Not only have the buildings got their share but some of our staid and respected citizens have turned out to be "movie stars." Among those who have been most prominent before the camera the past week were John Shady, Clarence Brockway, Clayton Snyder, "Short" Gelse, Doc Young, Johnny Mayberry and others who you would not think ever had a leaning towards this kind of life have entered on to the new work with heart and soul and no doubt will soon be seen all over this great old U.S.A. as principal characters in the picture "The Golden Goddess."

Phillips County Fair

Well, the first Phillips County Fair up at Dodson is going to be some fair all right. The new buildings are all up, the big prizes are now on exhibit in the various stores and everything tends toward this being the best fair this old Milk River Valley ever had. Some of the best horses in the state have been entered for the races and this will prove a great attraction for the lovers of this sports and the free outdoor attractions will also draw a big crowd. The exhibits will all be of the best and the people of our new county ought to all feel proud of having an opportunity of seeing with their own eyes just what we can raise here at home. "

Let's go" to Dodson October 5th, 6th and 7th and be happy.

75 years ago

September 18, 1941

Close call

George Brandon and Keith Stine narrowly escaped serious injury last Saturday afternoon when their car turned over on Highway No. 2 near Zurich.

Brandon, the driver, swerved to avoid sticking a car turning around the center of the highway and his vehicle went into the ditch and rolled over several time. Injuries were confined to bruises. The car was a total wreck.

Lloyd Thompson sets new record in Fish Derby

A new record was established in the Valley Sportsmen's Fish Derby last week when Lloyd Thompson of Malta won the weekly prize with a pike weighing 8 pounds, 5 ounces, according to an announcement.

Thompson's fish was caught at Nelson Reservoir and he received a $5 merchandise award from the Malta Coast to Coast Store.

Yuh Don't Say

Good Gosh Dept.

Had you lived in the 14th century, for $50 you could have equipped a farm with three draught horses, half a dozen oxen, 20 cows, and a hundred sheep, leaving a balance of $2 toward rent, which was about $5 a year.

Hampshire News

It happened in a large department store during a rush. A piercing scream resounded in the groaning elevator. All eyes focused on a large lady in a short mink jacket. Behind her stood a little boy. "I did it," he said defiantly, "It was in my face so I bit it!"

50 years ago

September 22, 1966

Mr. and Mrs. Granlund drove honeymoon car to 50th wedding anniversary celebration

Mr. and Mrs. August Granlund of Loring drove the 20 miles to their 50th wedding anniversary celebration in the same car they purchased on their honeymoon trip (a 1916 Model T Ford.). More than 200 persons attended the reception which was held Sunday at the Loring Lutheran Church.

For the occasion Mrs. Granlund wore a two-piece gold and brown dress and black and gold accessories and a pink carnation corsage. Granlund wore a white carnation boutonniere, the flowers given the couple by their eldest grandchildren, Donna Berringer and Bill Stine.

Funeral rites for Vietnam casualty held in Chinook

PFC. Paul Gary Weigand, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Weigand of Dodson, was killed Sept. 10 in Vietnam while on duty in an area committed to cleaning, repairing and maintaining of military weapons. Weigand entered the armed service in October 1965 and on April 16 he left the states for service in Vietnam. He was a member of "C" Company, 2nd Battalion, 27th Infantry, 25th Division.

Having seen much combat action, Weigand won five distinguished awards, one of them being the Purple Heart for wounds received in combat.

Funeral services were conducted September 20 at the Teliason Funeral Home in Chinook.

25 years ago

September 25, 1991

Otteson and Starr selected as

Homecoming Royalty at MHS

Selected to reign as homecoming king and queen at Malta High School last week were King Jason Otteson and Queen Sherri Starr. Jason is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Otteson and Sherri is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Starr.

National Guard invites public

The Army National Guard are inviting the public to attend an open house on Saturday, Oct. 5, to see just what the National Guard is all about. They'll have machine guns, anti tank mines, missiles and other equipment on display as well as a representative to answer questions.

10 years ago

September 20, 2006

Council okays final 06-07 budget; mill levy up 15

The City Council of Malta has given final approval to the 2006-07 budget which totals $7.1 million.

The budget is considerably larger than usual because it accounts for $4.79 million ($4.2 million USDA Rudolph loan and a 5.5 million TSEP grant) which will finance construction of the City's sewer lagoon improvement project.

Property taxes for the new budget year will remain essentially unchanged (142.15 mills up .15 from a year ago.)

Total property tax revenues in the new budget are $242,100.

Nuesse wins national contest with essay on diversity, work to be published soon

Jamie Neusse, 14, admits submitting poems to poetry contests, but her submission to a national Boys and Girls Club of America essay contest proved to be a winner.

The freshman at Malta High School and member of the local Boys and Girls Club, Nuesse's essay will be published in a book on diversity and will be distributed world-wide. Nuesse, daughter of Terry and Chan Healy of Malta, also received a $50 prize for her efforts.


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