One Nation, Under God

Dodson News for the week of September 21, 2016

Dora Henry attended a Council on Aging meeting in Malta on Wednesday. The Dodson Lutheran ladies sent goodies and refreshments to the blood drawing on Thursday. Polly Solberg helped with the serving in the afternoon. Our community was sorry to hear Aldora Hervol had fallen and is in the hospital. We send prayers and get well wishes. Polly attended the funeral for Dennis McGuire in Hogeland. While in Hogeland she visited Betty Walker. Polly attended a 90th birthday for friend Mrs. McAvoy in Havre on Saturday. She went to services at Elim Lutheran Church in Malta on Sunday. A hard frost destroyed all the flowers and put a stop to the gardens this week. Everyone has been busy cleaning out vines and clearing their gardens. Leaves are starting to fall now also. Something has been hurting some of the bushes and caragana earlier that caused them to lose their leaves and look as if they were dying. Hope to see them come back in the spring. Bonnie Lankford and everyone else having a birthday this week are sent Birthday wishes. The tongue--- we spend three years learning how to use it and the rest of our lives learning how to control it! Enjoy the fall days while we have them. Have a good week.


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