One Nation, Under God

Superintendent's Desk for the week of September 7, 2016

It's been a great month here in the Dodson School District. Our new staff are doing a great job and blending well with the team we are creating. Deserae KillEagle, our 3rd / 4th grade teacher, received a great honor as she was selected to introduce the governor of Montana during his recent visit. Students from her class were also able to meet the famous politician and had exciting pictures of their experiences. Deserae is also involved at the state level in October as a featured presenter at the MCEL conference. Congratulations! We know she will do a great job in representing herself and Dodson.

Ms. Messerly and Ms. Azure have recently returned from the Garden Tour offered at the college. Student exposure to cultural plants used for medicinal purposes and education on native Montana plants and flowers as well as the inner workings of a green house were explored. This was a great hands on educational experience for our students.

It is the connection with our community activities to supplement and support our classroom curriculum and content that are valuable to the learning of our kids!

Our elementary staff is already hard at work acquiring new assessments and aligning new curriculum and technology with reading and math interventions. It's nice to see the hard work of our collaboration last spring beginning to take shape and becoming visible as we strive to reach our goals and raise student achievement at every level. I am very impressed with the quality of teaching staff we have and the professional understanding they have to work with a diverse student population.

It's a great day at Dodson Public School. Stop in and visit. We invite and encourage parent and community involvement!


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