One Nation, Under God

Memories for the Week of August 31, 2016

100 years ago

August 31, 1916

Let's Go!

The dates of the big Phillips County Fair at Dodson have been set up for October 4, 5 and 6. It will be the first fair for our new county and there will be something doing every day. Our Dodson friends were very kind in patronizing our Chautauqua, so let us all plan weeks ahead on spending at least one whole day at the fair. Already there is talk of going up some day with cars in a body and as there will also be special rates on the Great Northern it is hoped a large bunch of Malta people will go.

Will produce film pictures in Malta

Wallace Coburn has been busy the past week making arrangements for the coming here of the Great West Film Company who will produce the photoplay Yellowstone Pete's Only Daughter in Malta and the country surrounding it. This company comprises 45 people and all arrangements have been made for their coming including the outfitting of the camps that will be used when taking the pictures in the Little Rockies. The company will use saddle horses and pack horses to carry the stuff out to the locations for the various scenes. In the company are 22 actors and actresses many of whom have been before the public in different film companies before signing up with the Great West company.

Some of the scenes will be filmed in Malta including that of the arrival of Yellowstone Pete's daughter and her stopping at the Great Northern in Malta.

75 years ago

August 28, 1941

20 Mustangs answer first grid call

Answering Coach Edward Holister's call for gridiron candidates, 20 boys reported for suits to Manager Francis Judge Monday afternoon at the high school.

Those reporting were veterans Lyman Trottier, Roland Durocher, Celestin Durocher, Elmer Mayhew, Lloyd Lefdahl, Dick Runnion, Harold Hack, John Judge, Merwin Head, Jerry Hould, Ned Erickson and Rex Kaufman. New candidates this fall are Doug Bishop, Everett Trottier, Edward Henderson, Floyd Kesler, Billy Simanton, Wayne Martin, Lynn Boothe and Neil Keith.

Special services mark 30th year for Loring Church

In celebration of the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Loring Lutheran Church, special services were held Sunday afternoon with Rev. Thos. T. Boe and Rev. Julius Hanson of Hogeland in charge.

A mass baptismal was performed by Rev. Boe and sacred musical selections were presented by Audrey and Barbara Stubblefield.

Better skating rink is in prospect for city kids

Improvement of the City Skating Rink is in prospect this fall, it has been announced by M.R. Nelson, Malta City Clerk, who says the City has decided to sponsor a rink improvement plan offered under National Youth Administration auspices. This City will be the official sponsor and furnish needed equipment. Diking and other labor will be furnished thru local NYA channels and materials are to be provided by the Junior Chamber of Commerce.

50 years ago

September 1, 1966

Total Malta School enrollment about same as last year

Total enrollment in Malta Schools is 952 compared to 955 last year. According to Superintendent Jim Nordlund. Malta High and Junior High enrollment shows a slight increase over last year and the grade school has fewer students enrolled this year. Grades one through 12 at the public school have 824, the same number of students as last year. A total of 128 students are enrolled in St. Mary's parochial school as compared to 131 last year, according to Sister Patricia.

Of the 321 students enrolled in the high school, 80 are seniors, 72 juniors, 73 sophomores and 96 freshmen.

County Fair in better financial shape than any other small fairs in Montana

Marion Waters, Phillips County Fair Secretary, this week announced some interesting figures concerning this year's fair receipts and disbursements and also an approximate rundown on the amount spent by local people at the fair. Waters told the News that the state auditor who looks over the fair books each year has told county officials that the Phillips County Fair is the best financially fixed small fair in the State of Montana . . . and the amount of out of county residents in premiums is the largest in the state, exceeding even the Great Falls and Billings fairs.

25 years ago

August 28, 1991

Unruly steer forces Junior Miss switch

In what is apparently an unfortunate first, Phillips County Junior Miss Jesica Henderson won't compete in this week's Montana Junior Miss pageant in Cut Bank Saturday night.

But runner-up Kelli Kolczak will be there in her place.

The reason for the switch might also very possibly be a first in local Junior Miss pageant history.

Henderson won't be going thanks to the steer she had planned to show at last week's Phillips County Fair.

Seems she was working with the steer last Monday when she injured her elbow.

"I was working with him (Monday before the fair) and he started to get away from me so I tried to duck out of the way and I fell backward, hyperextending my elbow and shattering the radius," she said. The injury required surgery and the placement of five pins and a plate.

10 years ago

10-years ago will return next week in Yesterday's Phillips County News Memories.


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