One Nation, Under God

Whitewater News for August 17, 2016

Sympathy to all fire victims. Be careful.

Jim and Pat Murdock drove to Saco to help Whit Ozark (son of Billie) celebrate his second birthday.

Visitors at the Dunbar Ranch helped Shirley Dunbar celebrate her August 3rd birthday. Guests were Mickey Hellie, Doc Eaton and his friend, Jean, Pat, Barb, Davey and Janet Dunbar. Happy birthday to Sally Austin, Shirley D., Whit and all August birthdays, including my son, Mitchell Moore and Challise Young.

Congratulations to Nolan (son of Julie Moore) who received a blue ribbon on his rabbit he showed at the fair! Congratulations to all who showed entries at the P.C. Fair.

Jeff Murdock returned to his home in Dominica last Thursday. He said that the island had some stormy weather. It is hurricane season in the Caribbean now.

Linda Berg went to Canada to a wedding for a family member.

Gale, Challise Y. (my daughters) and granddaughter went to Bible Camp in Yellowstone. They also went to caves to see stalactites and stalagmites. They had a good time.

Most of the county went to the Phillips County Fair. I went Friday and Saturday and it was wonderful as usual. Irene W. (my friend from Chinook) was there too. We rode the Phillips Transit both days. It is great that the bus runs to the fair each day. Julie Cole (my niece from Glasgow) rode with me on the bus from Malta on one trip.

I went to the concert and it was great. There were almost 1,700 people there . . . wow! It’s wonderful how many support the Phillips County Fair.

News flash: we had a huge hail storm, complete with thunder and lightning last night here in Whitewater!! Hope it didn’t ruin the crops.

Take care.



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