One Nation, Under God
100 years ago
July 6, 1916
News from our soldier boys
Camp Stewart, July 13, 1916
Today at Camp Stewart does not show the neat appearance as has been seen all week. Orders came this morning for the regiment to start for the Mexican border and for every man to be away from Fort Wm. Harrison by midnight. The camp is torn up as everyone is packing up.
Quartermasters left this morning for Douglas, Ariz., to arrange for provisioning the troops enroute and after arrival.
Not one member of the company has been on the sick report to date. All members were inoculated for typhoid and vaccinated for smallpox last Thursday.
Bad fire at Zortman
Friday night a fire broke out in the rear of the William Johnson Saloon at Zortman and before it could be stopped it had destroyed the Johnson Saloon and George Heath's general store. Mrs. Schwag's residence and the home of Wm. Johnson were also in the path of the flames and were likewise destroyed. With absolutely no fire protection of any kind the wooden buildings on the north side of Zortman were easy marks for the fire when it was underway.
75 years ago
July 10, 1941
Polish nobility visits in Malta Tuesday
"We are charmed by the great expanse and beauty of Montana," said H.R.H. Prince Stanislas Bielski of Poland who with his bride the Princess Jeannine, stayed in Malta Tuesday night while en route by car to Glacier National Park. The member of Polish nobility with directness told a reporter that the vastness of the third largest state in the union was overwhelming and that he was agreeably surprised to find Montana's beauties are numerous.
His Highness expressed much interest over the small population here in proportion to the size of the state. He spoke of the size of ranches. He spoke of the cowboys and Indians and with a twinkle of his eye laughed and said "of course this is all so peaceful and the days of shooting are over." His statement mocked the Hollywood conception of the Wild West.
No new clues in burglary of offices
Chief of Police A. W. Pray has announced that there are no new clues or developments as to the identity of the persons who broke into offices on the second floor of the First State Bank building either last Thursday night or Friday morning. About $40 in cash was stolen from the office of the Moylan Abstract Co.
50 years ago
July 14, 1966
This week at Valli Drive-in Theatre
Walt Disney presents Emil and the Detectives staring Walter Sleazak, Bryan Russell in Technicolor. Also Showing Days of Wine and Roses starting Jack Lemmon and Lee Remick. Emil starts at 8:50 p.m., Days at 10:45 p.m. and out at 12:30 p.m. Also, Wednesday only, "Take a Chance Nite" -- $1.00 per carload, only one feature on "Take a Chance Nite" to get home early.
10 years ago (1956.)
Although conditions in Phillips County were not regarded as disastrous, the board of county commissioners petitioned the governor to ask that this county be placed on the list of disaster areas because of drought.
Bill Bell, Rex Ulrich and Francis Schwartz were appointed board of directors of the Malta Cemetery District. Lewis Johnson was appointed secretary.
The Cowboy Bar has been burglarized and $75 removed from the cash register.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Victor Nordlund.
25 years ago
July 10, 1991
Hail damage after July 4th storm
An unusually wet and mild June gave county farmers hope of some of their best crops in years, has turned into battered remnants of what might have been.
The latest cruel blast came the evening of July 4 and struck primarily the northern sector of the county.
Whitewater area resident Leo DePuydt said a ferocious wind and hailstorm struck that area about 6 p.m., destroying crops in its path on a front about 2.5 to 3 miles wide.
"I would think at least one-third of the grain in Phillips County is hailed out, that's just a guess," he told the PCN.
Water restrictions are now changed. Everyone can water each day from 4 p.m. to 10 a.m. only. No one is to use outside water from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. until further notice, effective July 3, 1991.
This rule will be enforced by a warning the first time and fine the second time and water will be shut off a third time. There will be a fee to turn water back on by order of the city council.
Public Works Director
Stanley Wombold
10 years ago
July 12, 2006
Olde Time Bazar set at Robinson House
Once again the Phillips County Historical Society and the Malta Dirt Daubers Garden Club are sponsoring a free, fun event for the community.
Attractions at the bazaar will be homestead era demonstrations, speakers, "Made in Montana" vendors and good old fashioned food.
Visitors will be entertained in the afternoon by a variety of speakers providing information on dinosaurs, antiques and flowers.
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