One Nation, Under God
The other day I had a flashback moment. I was in my living room waiting for my wife and son while playing a pretty intense game of NBA 2k15. Every once in a while my wife likes to make PJ the subject of a grand appearance. This time to my surprise my son was to my surprise on a bicycle with training wheels. In that instance I had a flashback of my first bicycle, a blue racing themed bike with training wheels. I’m 50 percent sure I got my first bike at Christmas time. The occasion that netted PJ his first bicycle was his second birthday, which was last Saturday. His first bike is pretty sturdy and true to his roots is a John Deere. He received the gift from his babysitter last Tuesday. He can’t ride it without a push but the scary thing is he is already getting close to riding it. Of course we won’t let him ride it alone and we will keep an eye on him until his coordination is better but he loves it so far. I still can’t believe his feet can reach the pedals. Being my first child, watching him grow up has been a crazy thing. He learns new things on a daily basis and can comprehend a lot of what Susan and I say to him. It also turns out he might be a chip off the block because I found out his love of barbecued ribs is deep. Typically when anyone asks me for a bite of anything off of my plate, risks the chance of losing a finger. But when he looked me in my eyes and said “bite da-da,” I understood. Knowing that I don’t share food, I’m pretty sure my wife was the proudest she has ever been of me when I gave PJ bite after bite after bite after bite. I don’t know if I will always share my ribs with my son but in that moment I knew that A: my barbecue game is coming along and B: I’m going to be smoking a lot of meat throughout his childhood.
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