One Nation, Under God

How does 50x12=1million? Do the math

This may be making our math teachers cringe, but let me explain how 50x12 can equal one million.

We each have the choice to spend our money locally or out of town. You’ve heard us at the Chamber and Malta Merchants beat the drum of Shop Local for years, but what does it really mean? What does it matter if you get your haircut out of town, or buy those groceries online?

Let’s say each one of us who is of working age would make a conscious effort to take $50 of their cur-rent monthly budget and spend it locally. This is not spending an additional $50, instead it’s $50 of what you are already going to spend each month. This may mean simply buying your next pair of shoes, going out to eat or getting an oil change in town. If each one of us chooses to spend $50 locally, and you multiply that by 12 months in a year, then multiply that by 1800, (the number working age people in the county) that equals over $1,000,000 put into our local economy!

$1,000,000 to support the people and businesses that make Phillips County such a great place to live. $1,000,000 to keep our local programs like the Boys and Girls Club, Food Bank, Kiwanis, Rotary and other service organizations going. $1,000,000 to assist in maintaining our hospitals, schools and streets.

How does $50 x 12 months = $1,000,000? It does by each of us making the choice to invest back into our community. This is one way how you can show your #PCLifestyle.


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