One Nation, Under God

Dodson News for June 15, 2016

Edward and Polly Solberg met the train on Monday as Nathan, Libby, Devon, and Elisa, (exchange student from Finland) came from Ismay to catch the train going to Glacier Park. They returned on Thursday.

Polly Solberg went to Hogeland on Saturday to attend a baby shower for Ellie Grace Guzman, infant daughter of Mike and Sherri Guzman. Her grandparents are Bruce and Sharon Goodrich of Hogeland.

Well, the primary election is over—now just five more months of listening to politicians -- some good--some bad.

We have been having some wild and quite severe weather—lots of rain and have had three very bad electrical storms with lots of lightning and LOUD thunder. There has been some hail around us but so far we have escaped it and a tornado set down and did considerable damage in Baker, Ismay and surrounding area. The rain was needed, but, give us a little break!

Seems we have had a little more vandalism in Dodson —Parents, do you know where your kids are?

Jack and Sharon Munsinger have procured a house in Great Falls so he will be closer for his medical treatments. Good luck to you both.

Birthday greetings go out to Isaac Williamson and Edward Solberg. And a Happy Father’s Day to all Fathers next Sunday!! Have a wonderful day.

Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit. Remember to share a smile.


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