One Nation, Under God

Memories for the Week of June 6, 2016

100 years ago

June 8, 1916

Wild West

Written by Wallace D. Colburn, Malta's Cowboy Poet, now being featured in the movies by the Great Western Film Company

Wild west, sweet ruler of the past,

Whom I shall ne'er forget;

To thee whose power once was vast,

The lines I write and yet –

E'en as I write I fain would look

Upon the charms once more –

As when in bygone days I took

Advantage of the smiles you wore;

But thou are gone and naught remain

Oh thy sweet presence here,

Except the subjects of the plains,

Whose love for thee was dear.

And even they are few and gray,

And with the passing of the year,

Like all things human, fade away,

Adown the vale of tears,

Yes, thou art gone and in thy stead,

Dame Progress proudly stands.

With stolen crown upon her head,

And blood stains on her hands.

But though from sight of loving eye,

Thou hast sadly passes away.

My love for thee shall never die,

Till in the ground my form they lie.

75 years ago

June 8, 1941

Four draftees are honored by Kiwanis

Ormund Halvorson of Forks, Karl Lincoln Riley of Malta, Richard A. Taylor and Ellsworth Clayton Lewis of Zortman, members of Phillips County's first group of draftees, were guests of the Kiwanis Club Tuesday night at the club's weekly meeting in the parlors of the Little White Church.

Auto racing to be featured at County Fair

Midget automobile racing, a breath-taking sport which has been showing great popularity lately, will be introduced this year at the Phillips County Fair, according to Edgar Lee, President of the Fair Board.

Lightning bolt hits three horses on Landusky Ranch

Three work horses belonging to V.C. Mitchell were killed by a lightning bolt that struck about a quarter of a mile from the ranch house last Saturday afternoon. The Mitchell Ranch is about 12 miles southeast of Landusky.

The bolt is believed to have crashed into the middle of a group of half dozen horses standing together in Mitchell's pasture during a heavy storm. The tracks showed that at least one other horse was knocked down but escaped without injury.

50 years ago

June 9, 1966

Another Fire at Dump

The Malta Volunteer Fire Department answered a call to put out a small grass fire next to the City Dump south of town about 10 a.m. Wednesday. The fire was small and promptly extinguished with no damage.

On Honor Roll

The name of John McKeon was not included in the honor roll list in last week's paper. John, a sophomore, was on both the last six weeks and semester honor rolls.

25 years ago

June 5, 1991

Sixth Grade Talent Show winners noted

The Sixth Grade Talent Show held at the Malta Elementary School was well attended and chock-full of talent!

First place went to a skit called The Reporter, staring Kelly Kuszmaul, Lacy Lodmell, Luke Starr and Mike Wood.

Second place winner was another skit, Wrestlemania, staring Dustin Murphy, Luke Starr, Nathan Salsbery, Jake Flemmer, Jared Rorvik, Nick Wood and Josh Green.

Phillips County's Young Woman of they Year

Jamie Grensten of Malta, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Grensten, was crowned Young Woman of the Year Tuesday night before a large crowd in the Dodson Gym. Others honored were Kathy Solberg, third runner up; Miranda Frye, creativity in art winner; Shannon Hould, second runner up and fitness and spirit award winner, Kristie Korsbeck, first runner up; Jennifer Obie, presence-composure winner and Greta Koss, scholastic achievement award.

10 Years ago

June 1, 2006


10 years ago (May 29, 1996)

Burglars hit five Malta businesses for a take of more than $10,000 in a 2 ½ hour period, hitting gambling machines and cash registers. The victims included the VFW, Roger's Upstairs, The Stockman, Stretch's Pizza and Honker's. Strangely enough, no booze was taken. The losses at Roger's alone were estimated at $10,200.

25 years ago (May 28, 1981.)

Larry Simpson moves 200 cow-calf pairs and 50 yearlings onto the Bowdoin National Wildlife Refuge to protest the Refuge's dumping of alkali water on his land.

Drag strip members plant trees for sound barrier

Members of the Phillips County Motorsports Association and other volunteers planted 165 trees at the east end of the former airport runway in an effort to construct a sound barrier for the upcoming drag strip.

The group received a $500 grant from the Phillips County Community Foundation for trees, which were purchased through the Conservation District.


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