One Nation, Under God

Knudsen will continue clean campaign, despite tasteless mailer

When I began my campaign for the Montana House of Representatives District 33 I planned on running a clean campaign, because if I have learned one thing growing up on the Hi-Line, it is that a man’s handshake is his word. My opponent and I agreed the very first time we met to be civil, to focus on the issues important to this district and not to found our campaigns on baseless attacks. My opponent, however, has recently sent out a mailer full of lies and deceit aimed at defaming me in the eye of the public.

I am writing today to tell every resident of District 33 that I will not take part in my opponent’s version of a “clean campaign.” On the contrary, I will continue to run a clean and attack free campaign that any lifelong resident of Montana would be proud of.

I am not running for office to set myself up for a career in politics, I am running for this office because I believe I can make Montana better for the good people of this district. I have built a life here on the Hi-Line. I was here long before I started my campaign, and I will be here long afterward.

If anyone has any questions about me, my reasons for running, or my view on any issue, please do not hesitate to contact me.

I appreciate your time and consideration, and I look forward to representing you in Helena.

Casey Knudsen

Contact Information

Cell – (406)-390-0274

Email – [email protected]

Website –


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