One Nation, Under God

Dodson News for May 17, 2016

Nominated by her kids, Terri Cole won the runner-up Cloak and Tiara award at the Women’s Run in Billings. Terri won second in her age group at the event in Billings on two Saturday’s ago. It started raining Sunday evening and rained all day Monday and Monday night. It changed to big flakes of snow on Tuesday morning. We were still getting wet Tuesday and Wednesday. There is widespread flooding of the creeks etc. all across Phillips County and many rural poles are down in so many places in the county have been without power at different times. Crews are busy all across the county to work on and access the damage to roads etc. as water is going over some and some are closed and plac-es and bridges washed out. Dora Henry attended a COA meeting in Malta on Wednesday. Polly Solberg attended the wedding reception of Tony Solberg and his new wife at the fairgrounds in Lewistown on Saturday. They were married in a little church earlier on Saturday. Keelan Wilson and daughter Kortni of Whitehall and Kelly Leys of Belgrade visited Grandma, Dora Henry, over the weekend. They worked on her house and yard while here, so it looks good. There was a good crowd at the Wathatau Center on Thursday for lunch. The 2016 graduation was celebrated on Friday evening at the Dodson School. Birthday greetings to Kari Kienenberger. Handle them carefully, for words have more power than the atom bomb. Have a good week!


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