One Nation, Under God
100 years ago
May 4, 1916
Horse stolen Wednesday, Deputy Nelson gets thief
One of the boldest thefts ever recorded in this section of northern Montana occurred in Malta Wednesday morning. When the Patton boys, who operate a dray line in this city, went to hitch up their teams they found one of their best horses was missing. The sheriff's office was notified at once.
A farmer and his wife came in (to town) after learning of the robbery and the lady remembered seeing a young man on a grey horse about six miles from Malta.
Deputy Sheriff Nelson got his car and took up the trail...near the Larb Hills (he) came upon a young man with a grey horse near the Spencer Ranch where he was resting the hard ridden steed. The boy is well known in Malta (and his) parents are highly respected and reside in the Black Coulee.
On being brought to the Phillips County Jail, the young man made a confession to the officers. He admitted that he was the one who broke into the Koke Harness Shop this winter and stole a saddle, spurs and several other articles. He took Mr. Koke and the officers to the cache and everything was found as he said. The saddle was used in trying to make his escape on the stolen horse Wednesday.
He is being held in the Phillips County Jail.
75 years ago
May 1, 1941
25 years ago (1916)
Mrs. Viola Ebaugh had one of the the new J.M. Davis electric starters put on her new Ford car, which makes it much easier for her to handle. Mrs. Ebaugh is one of many Malta ladies who is learning to run her own car this season.
Senior plans for the coming year
Lawrence Thrash: Work in the theatre.
Marion Potter: Hope to go to Great Falls College.
Betty McGee: Work.
Vera Robertson: Housework.
More soldiers from D Company visiting home
Another contingent of soldiers from the Malta Company at Camp Murray, Wash., is in Malta on furlough this week. Among them are Staff Sgt. Loyd C. Mason, Sgt. Scott L. Dore and Pvt. First Class Byron "Buck" Hurley.
We offer herewith our apologies to John Minnerath whom we described last week as a private instead of a sergeant. Minnerath says it is quite possible to be "busted" to the lower rank but he has avoided it thus far and hence prefers his proper rank.
50 years ago
May 5, 1966
FAA exams given in Malta to good-sized crowd
About 15 county people took written Federal Aviation Agency examinations in Malta Wednesday for private, commercial and flight instructor ratings. Among those taking tests were Mr. and Mrs. Francis Anderson, Bill Murdock, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Smith, Gary Baden, Bob Veseth, Bob Simpson, Mitch Blatter, Dan Wiederrick, Morris Mavencamp, Russ Cebulski, Don Guinan, Craig Keefer and Don Robinson.
Historical Group plans museum at city park
Directors of the newly-proposed Phillips County Historical Society met Friday at the home of Elmer Feigel.
Plans are being made by the society to erect a museum in Malta. A plot of ground in the city park is being sought for the building/ Favorable word was received from the Great Northern committee and the directors will now meet with the City Council to get permission to use the land on which the City of Malta hold a long-term lease.
Membership fees are $1 for adults and 50 cents for students.
25 years ago
May 1, 1991
Phillips County Library enters the computer age
The Phillips County Library has entered the computer age.
The county recently acquired a computer which will run Winnebago Library Software.
The software enables the library to computerize its more than 24,000 books and its patrons library cards.
The first task faced by librarian Evelyn Starkey and her assistant Alberta Flemming is that of entering the book titles, authors and subjects into the computer. They also have to enter the names of their library patrons.
Sheriff's Log
4/28/91, 6:49 a.m. – Local party called to report one of their heifers had wandered off last night, asked Sheriff's Office to be on the watch for it.
4/29/91, 9:08 a.m. – A local resident reported a cow had taken up residence in her front yard this a.m. and had just given birth to a calf.
10 years ago
May 3, 2006
Whitewater names top students for '06
Valedictorian of the Class of 2006 at Whitewater High School is senior Kalvin E. Reichelt, school officials announced.
Named salutatorian was Dakota J. Taylor.
Reichelt, the son of Curt and Janice Reichelt, has compiled a 3.79 GPA during his high school years. He plans to attend Montana State University in Bozeman and major in business.
Taylor, son of George and Kristi Taylor, compiled a 3.62 GAP during his high school years. He plans to work in the Chicago area for the immediate future.
Zora Holt, daughter of Sierra and Jason Holt, arrived Sunday, April 23, 2006 at the Glasgow Hospital. Zora weighed 8 pounds and is now at home at the ranch on Timber Creek in South Valley County. Come on out and meet her.
EDITORS NOTE: Zora is a PCN correspondent and we would like to wish her a belated Happy 10th Birthday.
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