One Nation, Under God

P.C. Museum news for week of April 27, 2016

What do we think when we see The Beatles, The Twist, LSD, zip codes, the Andy Griffith Show, and John F. Kennedy. Well the 1960’s of course. National history and Phillips County history combine as the PC Museum highlights the 1960s decade in a new exhibit. As Malta gears up for the 1960’s Decade Reunion stop over and see if you recognize any of the faces that will be visiting Malta in June or those of long time Malta residents. Thank-you to Marge Clausen for your help with the exhibit. Donated items are rolling through the door and provide opportunities for new exhibits. Items such as the collection of butter making tools will be used during one of our upcoming school tours. Thank you to the families who graciously donate their heirlooms to the PC Museum. Our hours are Monday – Saturday 10-5.


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