One Nation, Under God
Dear Editor,
Foremost, we are not opposed to the skate park; it’s a wonderful gift and opportunity. We are concerned that it changes the traditional use and nature the park in our neighborhood. Since we moved to the Hillcrest Subdivision, the west grass area has been utilized as a play area for neighborhood kids for pickup ball games (kickball, baseball, football) and path to the walk bridge.
We’ve researched skate parks online and they can be a tremendous asset but most have had opportunity of long range planning and community involvement. When we contacted local officials with questions, they did listen (much appreciated, it does help to vent) that but we heard was that in no uncertain terms this is a public park, the City of Malta has full control and does not need to take into consideration concerns of citizens. Repeatedly we have been told about the $100,000 gift and that officials needed to act immediately and there has been no time to notify or communicate. We find it odd that several entities had this on their agendas and no concern for residents was noted.
In our research, Skate Park locations are historically controversial and online resources for communities and developers offer a wide variety of tips on communicating with the public and advocating the benefits of skate parks and who they serve. We’ve been told one reason Hillcrest was selected as the site was because of its visibility – we found this resource There is lots of great positive information on this site as well, check it out. We love Malta and its people. Again, we’re not against the skatepark and trying hard to remain positive. We are disappointed that the only public process to date was a makeshift meeting in the park Sunday afternoon that only a few residents were aware of (not sure if we were invited, we just showed up.) We did get some answers, thank you – but we need more and additional people need to be informed.
Please, City of Malta, Malta Parks and Recreation, Malta Trails and PhillCo – we need your reassurance on long term maintenance, rules, regulations and enforcement on use, improved access to and from the walk bridge, off street parking and restrooms to insure us non skaters can continue to enjoy the park. If you’d like to host an informative informal session for all neighbors - in the age of local radio and newspapers, social media and the telephone, we can be there in less than 24 hours.
Thank you for allowing us to share. We want this to be a positive experience and benefit for all.
David, Anne and Kris Boothe.
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