One Nation, Under God

Dodson News for April 6, 2016

Last week; Sorry I was gone so news did not get sent in.

Wink and Terri Cole were in Glasgow on Wednesday for Winks chemo treatment.

Polly Solberg helped out at the library on Tuesday.

Dolores Shettel conducted Maundy Thursday services at the Lutheran Church and included a little skit on believing and Jesus’ complete love!

This week;

Several of Wink and Terri Coles kids were home over Easter and they enjoyed dinner at Steve Cole’s in Malta.

Dora Henry spent Easter in Havre at Bill Henry’s. Mary Helen Hielman was also a guest. Then Dora went with Bill and Marilyn to Great Falls for Marilyn’s chemo treatment and she visited grandson, Jim Lautenschlager’s family, whom she had not seen for some time.

Dean and Carol Kienenberger’s granddaughter, Kendall, was visiting and attended church with them on Sunday.

Polly Solberg attended a wedding shower at Elim Lutheran Brethern Church in Malta for Stacey Solberg on Saturday.

Robbie and Cathy Bear enjoyed family home over the weekend.

Everyone is busy calving and some are reporting done with heifers anyway. Good luck.

Birthday greetings to Leona Kienenberger and Lester Wilke,Jr. and to all having a birthday this week.

A true measure of your worth includes all the benefits others have gained from your success.


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