One Nation, Under God

Dodson Science and STEM Fair

From tanning hide to hover boards, and from natural remedies to solar energies, one didn't have to look far while at the Dodson Science and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Fair to find something interesting.

"What I learned yesterday is that there is so much diversity in our student's interests," said Dodson School Superintendent Gary Weitz. "There are some kids that, if you put them on that stage, they just blossom. We have some really talented, intelligent, hardworking students here, grades K through 12. Presentation after presentation each was great."

The day after the fair concluded, the students – grades K-through-12 – met for an assembly to see who placed where and what the judges thought of the work the students had compiled and completed.

The judges – Superintendent Weitz, Dodson Mayor Terri Cole, Liz Werk of the MSU Bozeman Extension Office and Dr. Brian Grebliunas from Aaniiih Nakoda College – spent the day before the award ceremony going from presentation to presentation, spending time with the students as they explained their entries, nearly 80 students combined on nearly 50 projects.

"I was very pleased with the presentations this year," said Dodson Science teacher. "Lane Walling, the high school's overall winner, is not in a science class this semester and he still participated on his own and did an amazing job."

Prior to the award ceremony, Mrs. Hopkins thanked the high school students who assisted her through the two days of the Science Fair – from setting up, helping with awards and tearing down – as well as the judges.

"I'd also like to thank all the students and teachers for working so hard to make this another great Science Fair," she concluded.

The 2016 Dodson Science and STEM Results (Name and project.)

Trophy Winners: Austin Burke, Plate Tectonics and Faults. Sophia Hebert, Hair Color Affect Precipitation of Intelligence? Sebastian Best, Solar Power. Lane Walling, Advanced vehicle audio.

Medal Winners: James Beard, Hover Board. Talysa Horn and Shontelle TalksDifferent, Transporting H20. Ireland Best, The Bouba Kiki Effect. Ms. Messerly's 6th Grade Class, Smiles. Ithay Heck, Meet Brain. Andrew Walling, Randell Werk and Shaun Bell, Decaying in the cloud. Xavier Best, Puppies. Lance Snow and Ivan Lefdahl, Does an egg float in salt water? Melanie Fetter, Raw Hide.

Blue Ribbon Winners: Mia Messerly, Rocks. Lance Strike and Tatyana Horn, Our Solar System. Eagle Doney and Paul Doney, Solar energy. Lanesse Janis and Laney Cole, Red Wiggler. Tanner Ball and Kellen Cole, Bombs Away. Nellene Messerly and Tiffany Cliff, Balloons, Soda and Poprocks. Gabriel Werk, Mudd Watt. Shaylee DeCelles, Wind Matters. Jean Jackson, Rock Cycle. Lindsey Fetter, Try Some Lava. Roman Longknife, Squishy Curcuits. Corbain Lonebear, Dry Ice Bubble. Jeremiah Henry, The Ames Room. Christina Jaynes and Isabella Messerly, Basketball & Sleep. Kailee Henry, Colors. Keandre Aguirre, Money. Trevor Walker, Gavin Fox and Tyrese Messerly, Compost. Janeisha Aguirre and Jamie Campbell, How to make a Microscope. Christopher Jaynes, Can a ping pong ball float? Tripp Lefdahl, Animal Groups. Mason LoneBear, Jeremiah Henry and Junior Stiffarm, Extreme Launcher.

Red Ribbon Winners: David Jaynes and Tobias Jones, Hydrophobic Sand, Red Ribbon. Jasper Doney, Kyla Racine and Donna Dale, Natural Remedies, Red Ribbon. David Burke, Cleo Cole and Cain Wing, 300 Incline 6, Red Ribbon. Carmyn DeCelles and Kylee Ball, Tornado in a Bottle, Red Ribbon. Logan Janis, Hydroponics, Red Ribbon. Landis Walker, Landin James and Zarek Jones, Hovercraft, Red Ribbon. Ellyse Davis and Davalena Buckman, Magic Mud, Red Ribbon.


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