One Nation, Under God

Conservation Credit Ranchers workshop Thursday in Malta

Increase your Ranching Income using Conservation Credits Ranchers Stewardship Alliance will be hosting a free listening session presented by KCoe Conservation which is one of the leading agricultural accounting and business consulting firms in the U.S. The topic is Developing and Selling Conservation Credits. Come to the First State Bank in Malta located on Front Street at 2 p.m. on Thursday, March 10.

Information will be presented on how to generate income through the sale of conservation credits to developers such as oil and gas companies, renewable energy developers and transmission line owners. These entities are required to mitigate the environmental impacts of their projects by creating, restoring, or protecting resources off-site on farms, ranches, or private timberlands. Management practices already employed on your ranch or farm may qualify you for conservation credits.

KCoe Conservation representatives will lead ranchers, farmers, and other landowners through a process of knowledge to help them understand how to develop and sell credits, broker contracts with developers, and they will help you determine the value of credits in the context of your overall agricultural operations to maximize gains and develop a project that works for you to provide extra income to your budget. A confidential screening process is used once you decide to sign up for the process and KiCS (K-COE Conservation Services) guarantees confidentiality for any information you provide.

Your information will not be released to anyone without written consent. Ranchers Stewardship Alliance’s mission is to increase education among farmers and ranchers related to conservation development and partnerships and its benefits to their members.

This program is another step in our mission and vision of providing quality education and awareness to their Montana communities and neighbors. If you have any questions related to the workshop, please call Vicki Olson at (406) 390-0220.


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