One Nation, Under God
100 years ago
January 20, 1916
Local News
Reports came this morning regarding the killing out on Cow Creek that Blaine County authorities have refused to accept the body of the murdered man and the prisoners, as they are of the opinion that the crime was committed in Phillips County and the remains, as well the prisoners, are on their way to Malta and will be here tonight when an autopsy will be held. Sheriff Buckely of Blaine County will be here to look after the interests of his county.
Swift Salmon
State Game Warden DeHart has received a photograph of a land-locked salmon caught at Livingston, which has swum a distance of more than 200 miles from here it was planted in Yellowstone Lake. The government seven years ago placed 7,000 of these fish in that body of water. Nothing was ever heard of them until the one caught at Livingston, a distance of more than 200 miles. The fish had crossed the great falls and had passed through the grand canyon in its fight from the lake. It weighed eight pounds and two ounces, and has been mounted and sent to the chief of police of Billings.
The Dodson stage is using horses now instead of autos, but Clyde is still running his auto livery from Malta to Zortman.
More Local News
The annual ice harvest is no won and several of the local ice houses are being filled.
Davey & Olson are contemplating the putting in of an ice plant to manufacture ice for the coming season. The plant they are figuring on has the capacity of about three tons every two hours. It would be a nice thing for Malta to have such a plant as it would insure strictly pure ice.
The New Telephone directory has been turned over to the telephone company by the Enterprise force and the book is complete up to the minute. As we stated last week, Central will now insist on your calling by number and not name.
75 years ago
January 16, 1941
Dodson woman will attend Roosevelt Inauguration
Mrs. W. W. Hamilton of Dodson National Committeewomen for Montana, left Monday for Washington to attend the inauguration of President Roosevelt. Mrs. Hamilton has been invited by the president and Mrs. Roosevelt to social functions at the White House following the inaugural ceremonies. She will participate in deliberations of the democratic national committee before leaving Washington.
The week's temperatures
Thurs., Jan 9. 34 max., 4 min.
Fri., Jan. 10 57 max. 12 min.
Sat., Jan. 11 52 max. 21 min.
50 years ago
January 20, 1966
Christmas decoration vandals make $460 restitution to City
Two young men who destroyed the Santa Claus and his reindeer decorations on the Malta underpass shortly before Christmas have been apprehended and have made restitution of $460 to the City of Malta. This is the amount of damage that was estimated to have been done the decorations.
"Federal Funds" to develop Trafton Park
A long-range program to improve Trafton Park received a boost this week when it was learned that $6,500 in federal funds for such improvements were approved by the Montana Fish and Game Commission in Helena on Monday.
The plans (estimated total cost $13,790) call for erecting additional lavatory facilities, installing approximately 800 feet of new water line, the installation of four disposal tanks and six coin operated electrical outlets for the convenience of campers and trailers.
25 years ago
January 23, 1991
Record year reported at First State Bank
The First State Bank of Malta reported a record gain in 1990, and stockholders elected directors ad officers for 1991 at its annual meeting held Jan. 8, 1991.
R.H. Ulrich was elected chairman of the board for 1991. Other directors reelected are James M. Caves, Norman Dyrdahl, Carol Ereaux, Ted Kelly, F. Lee Robinson and R.D. Scott.
10 years ago
January 18, 2006
Malta Man learns first hand – beware of thin ice
A Malta couple is warning people to beware the ice may be 13 inches thick on Nelson reservoir in most places but it can be dangerously thin in others.
Paula Bolland of Malta said Tuesday, "I don't know where I got that strength" after recalling for the PCN how she grabbed her Husband, Denis, and pulled him from the water after he crashed part way through a thin layer of ice which had formed over what had been the location of an ice fishing house.
Mrs. Bolland, who said her husband seemed to be in shock when the incident occurred, credited a "surge of adrenaline" for giving her the strength to pull him out.
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