One Nation, Under God

Phillips County News Athletes of the Week for December 16, 2015: Lanessa Janis and Hayden VanWichen

Lanessa Janis

Freshman, Dodson High School

Favorite Hobby:

Playing basketball

Favorite TV Show: Spongebob

Favorite post-meet meal: Spaghetti

Favorite class:

Shop class.

Favorite Movie: Courageous

Wild / Domestic pet:

A pig.

Favorite Dessert: Chocolate Ice Cream.

One thing you'd want on a desert island: my phone

One thing you want for Christmas: A camera.

Hayden VanWichen

7th Grade, Malta Middle School

Favorite Hobbies:

Ranching and basketball.

Favorite post-game meal: Pepperoni and sausage pizza

Favorite TV show:

Hunting shows.

Wild/ Domestic Pet:

a Saint Bernard.

Favorite subject in School: P...


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