One Nation, Under God

Info sought on America's pastime in Minnesota

November 22, 2015 a letter was sent to the Mayor of Loring at the Saskatchewan/Montana border, Montana, USA.

Philip Lowry is seeking information on international baseball games between the USA and Canada. I referred the “Mayor” of Loring to the Phillips County Museum and thought the Phillips County News could also reach out to our readers for help.

Dear Ms./Mr. Mayor,

I am extremely excited by an idea that recently occurred to me.

For ten years, I have worked on a manuscript. The subject is international baseball, games between teams from two different nations. Nobody has ever written a book on this subject before.

I have 888 pages in the typed manuscript. The games are all between national teams, as in the Olympics and Pan American Games, or between big city teams, as in Toronto vs. Buffalo or Winnepeg vs. Fargo.

For these ten years, I have known that hundreds, perhaps thousands, of international games have been played by nearby small town teams along the Canadian/USA border. However, I have never known how to contact these towns to discover games - Little League, Pony League, high school, amateur, any type of competition.

Hallelujah, today I discovered a website that lists all of the Canadian/USA border crossings, listing the nearest Canadian and USA small cities.

If your office can find any games, I would be very grateful. Even one game would be great.

Here is the info I hope to get - game score, ballpark, town, state or province, innings and attendance if available. If the info is incomplete, or a guess-ti-mate, that is okay. I would be thrilled to feature your town in our book.

Kind regards,

Philip Lowry

3232 Fremont Ave. N. #332

Minneapolis, MN 55412


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