One Nation, Under God

Time to start seeing perfection in every woman

Is there too much pressure on young women to attain the perfect body? It’s an issue that has always been present, but is much more apparent today. I will be the first to admit, when a girl with a beautiful body walks by I notice. I would guess I’m not the only one, I would even go as far as to guarantee it. What affect do television, celebrities and marketing campaigns have on young women? I couldn’t tell you. Thankfully, I know plenty of women that can. Here is some of the conclusions I’ve come across when asking friends these same questions:

“The media puts a lot of pressure on girls my age to be skinny, to have perfect hair, and to have perfect makeup. I was lucky enough to grow up with a father who taught me that being confident in yourself is the most beautiful thing. Sure, I like to look good, but I do it for me and nobody else. There are too many women my age focus on making men happy when, in reality, they should focus on making themselves happy. Nobody fits the cookie-cutter ‘Barbie’ image anyways.”

“Yes, there is pressure, but I don’t let it get to me too much. I want a healthy body for me, not for anybody else! I believe there are a lot of women who try to have an ideal image based on other people, and that is when your self-worth is depleted.”

“Definitely, any magazine you look at has you checking out perfect hair, makeup, and super fit, slim, or outrageously sexy models. It makes you internally judge every woman you see, I have a friend getting veneers, despite having straight and white teeth. The media encourages women to fake it, allows lack of self confidence, and the list goes on. I am confident in myself, but it took me a while to have that, and most of my friends do not.”

I have found that plenty of girls lack self-confidence. I have also heard plenty of answers from beautiful female friends of mine that have felt pressure so great they felt suicidal. As well as others who developed eating disorders and turned to substance abuse. Plenty of others have felt anxiety and depression. This makes me sick. I have three little sisters, and I’ll be damned if anyone tries to tell me they aren’t perfect. It’s time to start seeing perfection in every woman.

Have a great week,



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