One Nation, Under God
Dear Editor,
Last week I had the unfortunate opportunity to observe a "rent-a-nurse" transporting one of the sweetest elderly Hi Line Residents on the bus to a beauty shop appointment. The "nurse" was rude, abrupt and abrasive to the Senior.
Have observed local "nurses" transporting this same woman for the same appointment, it had always been a jovial light hearted loving activity.
Understanding "rents" make $27 plus perks an hour and "locals" only make $10 not sure if they have any perks - where is the logic in not paying "locals" more - who often know the person they are caring for or soon find out that it is someone's Grand Parent or other relative that they are caring for and would have more compassion. To the "rents" it is just a job.
Having heard the complaint that there are not enough "locals" here to staff - maybe if you paid more and treated those persons better you could get more staff.
These residents are our community builders - they put their blood, sweat and tears into making this community grow and now you are going to treat them poorly - you should be ashamed of the way the residence is being run,
Observing the Bail Out thermometer posted on Central Avenue for the $500,000 - it still shows a $50,000 short fall -pretty scary to think that down the road the owed amount might change due to present management.
Come on management, get it together, stop posturing and look at the problems you have. Local bail out money is running out. Cut your management costs and put the moneys toward best one on one care for the residents. This county is still trying to get out from under poor management - please don't go there again!
Barbara Schlocker
Malta, Mt
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