One Nation, Under God

Loring News for week of October 28, 2015

If you are up before sunrise about 6 a.m. or so the planets, Venus and Jupiter are really close together and Mars is just a bit lower in the sky. It is striking to see. So look east. Also if the horizon is cloud free, Mercury is visible.

Roxy Rae Lewis, daughter of Leah and Ryan Lewis of Boulder, was baptized into the Loring Lutheran Church on Sunday. Welcome to Christ’s family Roxy! Elise Compton was her God parent. The whole congregation was invited over to the Compton home for coffee and sweets afterwards. Special guests were Grandfather Gene Compton and Great Grandparents Betty and Glenn Compton.

Loring Women’s Club met at the home of Heather Simonson on Wednesday. We decided to make up a basket for the Hospital Fund auction. Dixie is in charge. We are also applying for some Thrivent dollars to purchase some gifts for the Hi-Line residents and play some games with them.

Trace Simonson played his last regular season game of Football this year. He scored 4 touchdowns to beat Glasgow and be in the playoffs. So a brand new season is starting now. The Mustangs play in Malta this Saturday. Go Fight Win!

The pavement to Malta should be finished this week. That will be so nice. But it is not rock chipped so it might get slippery this winter. But it is so smooth!

Have a safe Happy Halloween! Don’t let the goblins get you!


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