One Nation, Under God

M-ettes split series with Mavericks last Tuesday; Drop game against Wolf Point

The Saco Gymnasium served as a loud atmosphere for the M-ette, Maverick Cross-County Classic last Tuesday, October 13. In their second meeting of the season, it would be the M-ettes that would ultimately claim victory and split the season with the North Country Mavericks. The scores of the game were 25-22 (M-ettes), 25-21 (Mavericks), 25-1 (M-ettes) and 25-16 (M-ettes).

Both teams featured strong, hard-hitting frontlines and athletic, active backlines.

"I just think we really, really wanted to win considering these guys beat us last time," Senior M-ette hitter Mary Grace Kalal told the PCN. "W...


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