One Nation, Under God

Phillips County News Athletes of the Week for October 14, 2015: Eva Harms and Bella Lawless

Eva Harms

Junior, Malta High School

Favorite post-meet meal: Meatloaf

Favorite dessert: Ice Cream

Favorite subject in school: Art

One pet wild or domestic:

A wolf puppy

Favorite Book: Follow the River.

Favorite Movie Genre: Scary

Favorite Hobby: Drawing or singing.

Favorite NFL Team: The Raiders

One thing you would take with you on a desert island: a wolf puppy.

Goal GPA: Good enough to pass.

Bella Lawless

Freshman, Dodson High School

One wild/domesticated pet: A giraffe

Favorite Meal: pork ribs

Favorite Movie: Secretariat.

Favorite School Subject: English

Goal GPA: 5.0

One thing you'd like to have on a dessert island:

My horse

Favorite animal: A sorrel quarter horse.

Favorite Hobby: I like to ride my horse.

Favorite dessert: all of them.

One superpower: To fly.


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