One Nation, Under God

Dodson News for October 7, 2015

We have gotten a significant amount of rain over the last few days, really soaking things up. Those with winter wheat planted can be very happy as this should give it a very good start.

Dora Henry’s family home for their uncle Wally’s funeral included Steve and Judy, Bill and Marilyn, Art and Sandy, Cheryl and Todd and Teresa. It was a sad occasion but nice to see many relatives and friends that we had not seen for some time.

Wink and Terri Cole were home from Billings this weekend.

The annual Catholic Fall Ham Dinner was held on Sunday, October 4, was very good and well attended. Bonnie Lankford won the $200 prize, Aldora Hervol won the picture and Mrs. Matthew Dolphay won the large main prize basket. Congratulations to everyone.

Jerry and Bonnie Lankford have used the wet days to work on Cecelia‘s house. It will be good to have someone in it again. We miss our long time neighbor.

Birthday greetings are sent to Charlie Weaver. Anniversary congratulations are extended to Jim and Dolores Shettel and to Edward and Polly Solberg.

Some men are so handy around the house they are able to fix the same thing over and over again.

Remember to smile, it’s not going to stay cloudy and gloomy forever.


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