One Nation, Under God
The Malta community has been blessed with many folks who volunteer countless hours helping where needed. These are the people who quietly take the time to coach Little League, sack groceries at the food bank, organize a Girl Scout troop, play bingo at our rest home, or trim the rose bushes at the Robinson House. Jim and Mary Brady, who will soon move to Oak Harbor, Washington, certainly be-long to this fine group of people.
Jim and Mary came to Malta about twenty-five years ago. Mary began at MHS first as a tutor, then became a MHS math teacher, and has spent the last nine years as the elementary counselor. Jim spent sixteen years at the elementary school teaching fifth, and later fourth grade.
Besides teaching school and raising four children, Jim and Mary donated count-less hours helping out in different ways. Malta Kiwanis recently honored them with a plaque for their combined 21 years of service to Kiwanis, Key Club, and Builders' Club. Several times the Bradys were brave enough to organize a bus load of Montana high school Key Club members and take them to national con-ventions often held several hundred miles from Malta. Not only did the Key Clubbers attend the convention, the Bradys planned ahead so that they could at-tend other special sights. During different conventions they were lucky enough to visit the historical sights in Boston, attend the Grand Ol' Opre, visit Disney World, and even take a white water rafting trip. How one keeps one's sanity on a bus loaded with high school students is beyond me, but Mary Brady felt that by trav-eling by bus instead of plane, the Montana kids would all get to know each other better.
Mary Brady organized the BUG (bring up grades) assemblies at our elementary school. Mary verbally honored those students who improved their grades, and Jim stood close by and gave out certificates to collect an ice cream treat at a local business. In summers past Jim could be seen mowing the lawn next to the Villa to improve its looks for passing motorists. More than once Jim drove folks out of town to attend to medical appointments. Mary spent many extra hours after school helping this frustrated computer illiterate figure out the report card grading system and how to print it out. Thanks, Mary! I have even spotted her on a Friday quietly placing a box of mac-n-cheese in a child's backpack so the fam-ily would have food for the weekend. Besides Kiwanis and Key Club, both Jim and Mary have given many hours to the Boy Scouts and St Mary's Catholic Church. Needless to say, the Malta community will miss you, Jim and Mary, and we wish you well in your new adventure in Oak Harbor, Washington. That community is certainly lucky to have the two of you join them. God bless.
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