Pierre Bibbs count
Question A: What's your fondest memory of the fair? Question B: What is your favorite thing to eat at the fair?
Pierre Bibbs count
Riley Abrahamson his 17th fair A: I spent a lot of time working at the Boy Scout booth. Other than that going with friends and riding the rides and looking at all the cool stuff. B: The 4-H breakfast is really good. Riley Abrahamson his 17th fair A: I spent a lot of time working at the Boy Scout booth. Other than that going with friends and riding the rides and looking at all the cool stuff. B: The 4-H breakfast is really good.
Pierre Bibbs count
Lyle Stiffarm his 5th fair A: Eating. B: The greasy cheeseburgers with onions and cheese fries at the Boy Scout stand. Lyle Stiffarm his 5th fair A: Eating. B: The greasy cheeseburgers with onions and cheese fries at the Boy Scout stand.
Pierre Bibbs count
J'Dyn Walkup her 3rd fair A: Watching someone blow a tire at the races. B: Never eaten there.
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