One Nation, Under God
Polly Solberg and Ruby Butterweck met at Carol Kienenberger’s on Sunday afternoon to work on World Relief kits.
Dora Henry was in Havre on Monday and while there had lunch with Bill and Marilyn Henry.
Rains started on Sunday again with much thunder and lightning and continued into the first part of the week.
Men with a firm in Billings worked several days taking all the asbestos out of the old Conoco station. The State HW Dept. is going to demolish the building.
The main street, Barrett Avenue, and the south end of Town is looking pretty good for the reunion. Everyone busy hauling old stuff out and mowing and trimming. Both bars have been seen activity cleaning and getting stocked to be ready for the fair and reunion.
Birthday wishes are sent to Bea Cole and Molly Minugh and to Steve Henry who will be here for the reunion (broken foot and all).
Edmund and Gloria Mortenson are wished a Happy 50th wedding anniversary on the 1st of August. Congratulations!
If we could sell our experiences for what they cost us, we would all be millionaires.
Enjoy the Fair!
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