One Nation, Under God

Dodson News for July 15, 2015

Carol Kienenberger went to a class on healthful kits for World Relief at the Harlem Lutheran Church on Saturday.

Polly Solberg went to Great Falls on Saturday to help celebrate Anniversaries for Sid and Merrimae Solberg, grandson Dane Turville and his wife and granddaughter Sydnee and her husband.

Terri Cole and granddaughter Macy were in Billings on Wednesday.

The storage building on the school is beginning to go together pretty good since it has cooled down a little so they can work.

Dodson enjoyed another nice shower on Saturday night and Sunday morning.

Dora Henry’s son Steve, of Laurel , broke his foot several days earlier but did not realize it was broke but finally had to have it operated on and a plate put in on Wednesday.

Congratulations to Jim and Dee Shettel on a new great grandson born in Denver.

Birthday wishes go out to Ann Kienenberger.

The longest wait in the world is when the nurse tells you to take off your clothes because the doctor will be with you in a moment.


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