One Nation, Under God

Dodson News for June10, 2015

Bob and Tammy Voice were in Billings for a few days taking care of business and medical appointments.

Polly Solberg and Dora Henry were in Havre and while there had lunch with Bill and Marilyn Henry and the Pastor of the Messiah Lutheran Church. They also visited with Betty Munson in Havre and Gladys Thackeray in Chinook at the Sweet Nursing Home.

People were busy replacing part of the floor and then refinishing the floor in the School GYM.

The Bear family have started work at the Fairgrounds, preparing for the 100th fair.

Anniversary greetings are sent to John and Patti Wilke and Sid and Merrimae Solberg. Sid and Merrimae are celebrating their 50th. Congratulations.

We don’t stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.


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