One Nation, Under God

The best cookies I have ever tasted

Well, I just found out that America is no longer the fattest nation in the world. That unfortunate title, according to a National Geographic, belongs to our neighbors to the south.

I have to say that when I look out the window and see so many people running, walking or riding a bike, it makes me smile.

In a generation ran by electronic devices, it seems our country is still trying to put an emphasis on staying fit.

In some cases they have even invented “wearable tech” that tracks your steps, sleeping pattern, and even how high you’ve climbed.

The more popular brand is called Fitbit.

Intrigued by the thought of recording my sleep habits and steps taken at any given day, I purchased a Fitbit Flex (the cheapest I could find,)

I have used my Fitbit since last Thanksgiving and though I’m not 50 pounds lighter, this device keeps me from simply sitting at work all day behind my desk.

The track season has helped and so far since toning it down on the amount of food I eat, I’ve lost ten pounds.

You gotta start somewhere.

I just started getting a little more serious about my diet about a month ago. It was also a month ago that I found out not only does my wife know how to make homemade chocolate chip cookies but they are the greatest cookies I have ever tasted!

Knowing that I am trying to slim down, I’m certain she will only bake them on special occasions.

If I would have found out earlier in our marriage, I definitely would be over 300 pounds! Talk about a close one.

I just want to say a huge thank you to anyone who has fought for or is fighting for our freedom here in the States.

I have never been in the military but have the utmost respect for our troops.


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