One Nation, Under God
The 2015 National Business Professionals of America Leadership Conference was held the first week of May in Anaheim, California. Montana's delegation represented 54 secondary chapters including Saco High School and two post-secondary chapters with a total Montana Association representation of 377 registered members, advisors, and guests. Montana BPA has over 1,600 total members.
The ambassador torch award was given to 54 Montana BPA students including Christopher DePuydt and Jada Sudbrack from Saco High School. The two students qualified for this award by earning 70 points in each of the following categories: Leadership; Patriotism; Faith, Hope and Charity; Friendship, Knowledge, Service, and Cooperation. Chris and Jada also tested in open events including Financial Math and Analysis, Parliamentary Procedure, Business Meeting Management, and Personal Finance Management Concepts. They also participated in a Special Olympics Walk which raised $10,000 for the Special Olympics organization.
This National trip was made possible through a $3,000 grant given to the Saco Business Professionals of America chapter by Montana Dakota Utilities-(Bittercreek Pipeline). Duane Walker, local BPA advisor at Saco, accompanied the two students.
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