One Nation, Under God

Whitewater News for the Week of May 13, 2015

Part I

My sympathy to Shirley and George Eklund (longtime friends) on the loss of their son, Tim. Helen Depuydt Sally Austin and I, Helen, went to the funeral. Pastor Bruce Hill of Whitewater preached at the funeral.

The “Woman of Faith” Meetings, in Billings, were well attended by these women from Whitewater: Ree S., Joanne H., Margie O., Jamie and her mom, Nancy LaBrie, Monika Taylor and Linda B. I rode to Billings with Monika, but did not get to the meetings.

Sorry I didn’t go and if I missed any ladies who went, my apologies.

I stayed with Janet, my sister. She went to water aerobics while I sat in the hot pool. Then we went shopping at Kmart and went to lunch with Glenn (Janet’s son.) It was a fun day.

Justin Austin returned to Denver, Colorado, to his family after working at the ranch.

Jeanie Green and Aileen (formerly Hellie) went to Alaska! I have not talked to Jeanie since.

I visited with Pearl Peacher (my longtime friend.) She is always fun.

The road to Malta is under construction by Wickens Construction of Lewistown. They sure have huge machines and are real busy.

Meadowlark birds are here singing. I love them. Go for a walk and enjoy the weather.

Part II

Our deepest sympathy to the families of the 20-year-old boy, Ryan, who was killed in a tragic car accident near Malta. He was from New York and had three children, I heard. It is so sad. Please drive carefully everyone and children, stay off the streets.

There was a style show by Family Matters in Malta. Many from Whitewater attended. Lou Bessel modeled, also the LaBrie children and Patty Young's grandchildren.

There was a track meet in Whitewater and about seven schools came! Challise (my granddaughter) from Saco participated also.

Lunch of hamburgers and maple sticks were served.

A baby shower for Taylor and baby boy was held at the WW Lutheran Church. Many guests attended including Anna Faye Simms family.

Anita Wishers parents were visiting their family from South Carolina. They were welcome here.

Ree Simonson and some family attended the movie at the Villa Theatre titled "Do You Believe?" and they said it was good.

The Phillips County Fair Board are collecting recipes for a Centennial Cookbook. Send your recipes to Sue Olson or Mrs. Linn.

Whitewater Graduation is Friday, May 15. Baccalaureate is first at 6 p.m. at WW Lutheran Church.


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