Renae Boucher Hinsdale A: I like it, I think it reflects the personality of all three communities. B: I think they'll probably go with navy blue and green.
Chris Pippin Saco A: I like it. B: I like black and gold.
Barry Malone Saco A: I think it's got a nice ring to it. It reflects all three of the communities. B: I told my kids, it doesn't matter what jersey you're going to put on. It's about putting everyone together to put on a successful basketball program.
Charlene Wasson Whitewater A: I think if everybody is on board, it's going to work out great. If it's split and we're all separate it's probably not going to be such a good thing. B: I think we might be surprised, maybe there will be a write in. What matters is that you re united when you put the jersey on.
Reader Comments(1)
eboylh1 writes:
Good choice and currently not a Montana high school mascot. Two Montana American Legion teams use Mavericks. Another thought might be North PPR (Panthers, Penguins, Raiders). PPR pronounced pepper offers a hot and spicy connotation. The colors could be red & black for red pepper & black pepper.
05/08/2015, 6:17 am