One Nation, Under God

PCN Editor's column full of nasty name calling

Dear Editor,

I read your last column headline and thought it was a joke. I can't relate to your nasty name calling to make your point. You mention you usually stay away from political commentary. I can sure see why you should. Several points you try to make do emphasize your inexpert world view on these issues.

Coulter makes a valid observation here. I try to understand the viewpoints of local and national political commentators from all sides of the debates. I can't always agree with her interesting viewpoints. But we all seem to concur on her contention that uneducated voters don't lead to better governance.

Your proposition that Fox News and MSNBC are the problem is ridiculous. If all voters were enabled or required to periodically watch some commentary that comes from these and other news outlets like c-span, and read the editorial pages, we'd be better off. Unfortunately, the amount of current events knowledge that our young people get in school is negligible. Yet we encourage them to vote when they have no understanding of the issues.

Thankfully, a lot of them forgo the opportunity along with a lot of others who don't care. I believe there's a sort of personal moral literacy test we all should take regarding voting. If we haven't taken the effort to understand anything about who or what is on the ballot, stay home. Nothing wrong with that.

Paul Kunze


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