One Nation, Under God

Dodson News for April 15, 2015

Easter dinner for the public was served at the Dodson School on April 1. Thanks to the school for doing this and Hat’s off to the cooks for a wonderful dinner and the students who had the tables decorated so nice and served the people.

Dora Henry spent Easter in Havre with Bill and Marilyn Henry.

The community was saddened by the loss of our centenarian and friend, life-long resident Cecelia Lankford this past week. Her funeral was held on Friday, April 10, in a packed gym at the Dodson School. A social feed and gathering followed after her burial at the James Cemetery. Many descendants, relatives and friends gathered to say their farewell. Thanks to everyone who sent food, etc. and helped in any way.

Wink Cole was in the hospital and came home for a few days, only sadly having to return to the hospital on Sunday. Wink and Terri’s son, Matt Cole was here for a few days helping them with odd jobs.

Thanks are extended to Jerry Lankford for plowing garden spots around town this week.

Robbie Bear was busy this week putting a new fence around his yard. A few are sprucing up around town looking forward to the 100 year celebration this summer.

Polly Solberg and Dora Henry attended the Ladies Lutheran Convention at Havre Messiah Church on Saturday. And Oh! The wind was blowing in Havre.

Birthday greetings are sent to Lester Wilke, Jr. and Don Wilkes.

There is a difference between an open mind and a hole in the head.

It is looking more like spring all the time! Have a happy day, and smile at your neighbor.


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