One Nation, Under God
I do believe that spring is here! I've seen lots of crocuses, meadowlarks, robins, and today I saw red tailed Hawks! But really, the snow on Easter is the true sign!
Dixie Stordahl traveled to Billings for a doctor's appointment a couple of weeks ago. She visited the family members there. On Saturday Brandie Stordahl and Debbie Richau hosted a baby shower for Jeannie Schroeder. Dixie's newest grandbaby will be here the end of May!
Carol Lumsden flew to Billings from Havre to attend a get together with several high school friends last Saturday! She had a great time reminiscing with her friends!
Dixie Stordahl participated in the science expo in Billings on Saturday. About 75 science fair viewers stopped by the Montana Dinosaur Trail table to paint a baby dinosaur foot print! Brentton Stordahl,Abby, and Saige Stordahl helped her!
Most of the Whitewater High School students and the middle school participated in the state TSA in Billings. Kourtney Simonson is an outgoing officer. Trace Simonson and Kayleigh Cummings were elected as officers for the new year. Many awards were won by the Whitewater students in several different areas of problem solving! Kia Wasson, Heidi Anderson and Beau Simonson created a video that showed how to make a difference in Bullying. It was interesting to watch how the kids worked through the problems given to them!
Fran and Steve Noreen of Cut Bank were visitors at the TJ Wassons over Easter weekend. Earl and Marie Wasson and Marla Ashby were out to visit on Saturday! What a beautiful day! Gregg and Tara Wasson and family and Lance and Christy Wasson and family were guests of Alan and Connie Wasson's for Easter also.
It seems that the last snow birds returned from Arizona this last week! Good to have our people back!
Ruth and John Flansaas were Easter guests of Pete and Carol Lumsden.
Jennifer and Joslyn Hoge of Billings were guests at Twilla Johannesen's.The Steven Johannesen family was out from Malta also for Easter celebrations!
Word was received that Tom Stordahl's brother Bob died in Oregon this past week. Bob spent many weekends over here visiting from Glasgow or Ft. Peck several years ago.
Everyone have a great week!
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