One Nation, Under God
United States Department of the Interior
Fort Belknap Agency
158 Tribal Way, Suite B
Harlem, Montana 59526
March 31, 2015
Real Estate Services
Reference: 25 C.F.R. §166.803
On February 11, 2015, personnel from the Fort Belknap Agency, Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)
had observed trespass of livestock. According to the incident report you are the owner of thirty-four (34) horses and two (2) dead horses which were observed trespassing (See 25 CFR § 166.800-819) on Allotment No. 664-A, Minnie Dubois Moccasin, located at N½SE¼, S½NE¼, W½SW¼SE¼, Lot 1 & 2, Sec. 3, T. 26 N., R. 25 E., containing 260.580 acres, more or less. You do not have an approved lease for this trust property and this serves as your notice that your thirty-four (34) horses and two (2) dead horses are in trespass on trust land.
You are advised to remove your thirty-four (34) horses and two (2) dead horses from Allotment No. 664-A, Minnie Dubois Moccasin, located at N½SE¼, S½NE¼, W½SW¼SE¼, Lot 1 & 2, Sec. 3, T. 26 N., R. 25 E., containing 260.580 acres, more or less within five (5) days. You are warned to keep your thirty-four (34) horses and two (2) dead horses off trust property until you have an approved lease contract signed by the beneficial owner and the Superintendent.
Failure to comply with the directives within the time frames identified above, may adversely impact your ability to lease trust lands. The value of the forage removed, other damages, penalties, enforcement costs and other applicable laws may be
assessed for each day of unauthorized use that is confirmed by two or more
witnesses. A notice of trespass is not an appealable action pursuant to 25 CFR §166.803 (c).
This written trespass notice remains in effect for the same conduct identified in the notice for a period of one year from date of receipt.
Your unauthorized equipment or other property may not be removed or disposed of unless authorized by us. This letter is your authorization to remove trespass livestock within five (5) days.
We will inspect this property within five (5) days after the public trespass notice to verify removal of the livestock in question. Please give this matter your immediate attention.
If you believe this trespass notice is in error, you must contact us either by telephone or in
writing, but any explanation of why you believe this trespass notice is in error must be in writing.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Real Estate Services at (406) 353-2901 or 353-2909 or stop in at the office located at Fort Belknap Agency, Montana.
/S/ Sarah Falls Down
Acting Superintendent
(Published by Phillips County News 04/08/15)
(April 3, 2015 to April 23, 2015)
The Fort Belknap Indian Community Head Start Program is soliciting proposals to hire an engineering firm for the design, cost estimate for materials, electrical, mechanical, project management and construction supervision of the construction of additions to two Head Start Buildings located at Fort Belknap Agency and Hays, MT. Design shall be in accordance with Federal Regulations as they apply to Head Start Buildings. Other services include cooperation and coordination with the Head Start Director. In accordance with section 7(b} of the Indian Self-determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.F.C. 450e (b), Indian Preference is in effect for this request, but is not limited to Indian Preference. Indian Preference will be given to those, who can provide evidence of Indian Ownership, where Indian Ownership is not less the 51%. Firms claiming Indian Preference must submit with their proposals, the following information:
1) Tribal certificate of the Indian Owner;
2) Certification the controlling person is the Indian Owner of firm submitting proposal;
3) Complete listing of the structure of Indian Owned firm, including:
a. Names of all persons associated with the firm, and
b. Listing of their job functions, in addition to f
c. listing areas of registrations and/or areas of expertise.
4) All proposals must include a statement describing how they will provide for Indian preference in their work.
The final contract will contain a not-to-exceed contract amount for the services. Project representation (inspections services} shall be quoted separate. Must include an Error and Omission Insurance Document. A Qualification Statement is to be submitted with Proposal. Firm must be licensed in the state of Montana.
This RFP shall close at 4:00PM, Thursday, April 23, 2015. The RFPs will be opened on Friday, April 24, 2015 at !O:OOAM, in the Property and Supply Office, at the below address and taken under advisement.
All proposals shall be mailed or delivered to:
Fort Belknap Indian Community
ATTN: Ron Speakthunder, Property and Supply Department 656 Agency Main Street, Fort Belknap Agency
Harlem, MT 59526
The RFP Scope and Qualifications are available from: Alma Young, Head Start Director at (406} 353- 2827. RFPs and supporting documents may be sent electronically to email address:
rspeakthunder@ftbelknap .org
The Fort Belknap Indian Community reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to waive any informalities or re-advertise, when it is in the best interest of the Fort Belknap Indian Community. Mark L. Azure, President, Fort Belknap Indian Community.
(Published by Phillips County News 04/08/15 and 4/15/15)
Montana 17th Judicial District Court, Phillips County
In the Matter of the Name Change of Donna Lea Stevens
Donna Lea Stevens, Petitioner
Cause No.: DV-2015-04
Notice of Hearing on Name Change
This is notice that Petitioner has asked the District Court for a change of name from Donna Lea Stevens to Donna Lea Harris. The hearing will be on May 11, 2015 at 1:30 p.m. The hearing will be at the Courthouse in Phillips County.
Date: March 16, 2015
Tami Christofferson, Clerk of District Court
Jo Hasler, Deputy Clerk of Court
(Published by Phillips County News 3/25/2015, 4/1/2015, 4/8/2015, 4/15/2015)
The Malta Planning Board of Adjustments will conduct a public hearing on April 14, 2015 at 7:00 pm in the council chambers of City Hall. The purpose of the public hearing is to receive public comment in regards to an application for a zoning variance submitted by Larry Matthews concerning an apartment in the Central Business District. Persons or their agent(s) may appear in person or submit written comments to Shyla Jones, Zoning Administrator, PO Box 1300, Malta, MT. 59538 no later than 5:00 pm April 14, 2015.
(Published by Phillips County News 04/01/2015, 04/08/2015)
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